All Zodiac Glyphs Assembled

Zodiac Signs – Symbols

Welcome to Zodiac Sign – Symbols. A quick in-depth session on why the zodiac signs’ symbols are the way that they are, what they mean, and what they represent.

The symbols are here to represent the twelve signs so you can recognize them without their names being present. It’s all for quick recognition. Some people get lost though- and that ok. So we’re gonna do a quick walk through all twelve, and look at what they mean.


To begin with we have the start of the zodiac- our buddy Aries. Their glyph depicts the horns of The Ram. Which is their title and constellation. Just like Aries- this is a very straightforward symbol.


Taurus, it’s very clear that this depicts the horns and head of The Bull. Fairly simple still right? This helps to represent their constellations as well, The bull.

I’m sensing a bit of a pattern


Now here’s something new. Gemini’s glyph depicts a few straight lines, followed by two curved lines blocking them. This can be interpreted as a door. Gemini is known as a great communicator, and a doorway helps to communicate that idea. It’s also a representation of Geminis’ duality by being the roman numeral two, and because it’s a mirror image- it helps to depict the twins.


The glyph of cancer is also very interesting. It can represent three different things: the crabs claws, a woman’s breasts, and finally the moon and the ocean themselves. Cancer is ruled by the moon which is known for femininity, hence the reference to the moon and ocean (it’s a water sign too) and to women in general.


Their symbol is interesting cause- it kinda seems out of left field for the animal signs. The others are pretty apparent so far- but for Leo, it seems to melt into the background. The circle followed by the long curved line can depict the Lion’s head, flowing back to their mane, and finally their tail. It can also represent the heart, showing the two seperate valves within it.


There’s a few interpretations of the glyph for Virgo. For example, the closed loop has two ends coming off of it, one showing the end of the M, the other looping back around to the front. This can go to show that everything that goes around comes back around, that certain paths have multiple paths, or it can represent chastity by the loop being closed for the maiden.


Another fairly interesting glyph comes with Libra. Not only is it perfectly balanced and shaped like a scale. But it also is akin to a setting sun or rising sun. Finding not only its duality, but calling to the fact that the sun enters Libra on the Autumnal equinox when day and night are in equal halves.


Like Virgo, Scorpio is also shaped like an M. However, it differs in the way that it does not have a closed loop, and instead has a point on its end. This can help to call to the fact that like the scorpion it represent Scorpio also has a sharp side. Unlike Virgo, which represent chastity, Scorpio represents the sexual side of health so this can be a call to their inherently more passionate nature in that regard. Scorpio’s are also fixed signs, and showing the line going outward can show a singular train of thought.


Sagittarius the archer, is represented by an arrow. This one is quite literal. Though the cross of matter in the lower line could be indicative of the bow or of something pulling the arrow back before loosing the arrow. This helps to point to Sagittarius’ nature to travel and widen their horizons.


The Capricorn symbol is certainly an interesting one. It takes on the shape of an N, with a large loop-da-loop. The way that it’s often interpreted is the beginning of the N is the front half of a goat, with the loop being considered the fish tail that the symbol for Capricorn has. The circle itself is also thought of the spirit that Capricorn has (similar to Virgo), and that is the drive that pushes the Capricorn further


The symbol for Aquarius is clearly two water waves. Which is interesting considering the fact that Aquarius is an air sign. Aquarius is the water bearer, and this means that they pour the water. They can also be seen as radio waves, I’ve also seen sound waves as a possibly view for them as well. The two lines can also represent their duality as they are one of the only signs that has a traditional and modern planetary ruler. The lower line showing their connection to Saturn and being grounded in the formulation of ideas, with the upper line being Uranus showing free flow of thought and innovative nature.


Finally, the Fish- Pisces is represented by what seems like an H. This is supposed to helpo to represent their constellation of having two fish tied together. It, like Aquarius, shows off it’s duality in this glyph as well. The traditional ruler being Jupiter, showing Pisces way of growth and idealism. The other representing Neptune which brings on Pisces dreamy, and artistic nature.

Wrap Up: Zodiac Signs – Symbols

There you have it, all twelve symbols for the Zodiac. When it comes to the Zodiac signs symbols, they are all unique in their own way, and understanding this part of them is an important part of understanding what each sign represents on the base level.

Stay groovy, and I’ll see you on the flip,

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