Understanding the Planets
How the planets move through the system, and what that means for you

The Elements of Astrology
The fundamentals of astrology broken down.

Any and all questions that you may have answered!

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Astrology FOR you
Years of study.
I have spent a little over the last decade getting into the nitty, gritty of astrology. Now, I want to give back. Everything that I do is meant to help anyone who wants to learn about themselves, their loved ones, or is even just a little curious what the hub-bub is about. What astrology even is. So kick back, take a moment, and take a gander at all the stars have to offer you.

Just Starting Out
For those of you that are just starting out with astrology and are getting used to all the different in’s and outs of what it all means.

You’ve been learning quite a bit, or have already started exploring the depths of astrology, no longer a beginner, but not quite expert either.

Experienced Reader
You’ve been looking at the stars, and learning for quite awhile and want to find something new to sink your teeth into. I hope that I can provide some insight!

Just some short fun writings about astrology, some observations, and just general good, fun stuff.

Informative Reading
Looking for some basic information? This Will help lead you to any informational articles that I have at the ready for you!

The Sage Speaks
Looking for some opinion pieces on astrology, and observations I’ve made over the last twelve years? You’ll find that all here with the Sage Speaks.
About Cosmic Sage
After studying astrology from the age of eleven, I knew that it was something that I would always incorporate into my life. Now I’m here just trying to make something out of nothing for others to have a good time learning about the stars.

Have a Question?
Get in touch with me today!

Full Blog
Just kind of curious to what everything’s about? Take a look at all of my posts and see if there’s anything that catches your eye!
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Contact me
Below is the FAQ inbox, I will be happy to take any and all questions related to astrology. If there is a post that I have that may be closer to what you look for I will also help direct you to the knowledge that you seek!