In honor of today being Valentine’s day I wanted to get a post out there that shows how the Venus placements will show their love for you. So without further ado- here is the Venus Signs on Valentine’s Day!
(or if you know your partner’s venus sign, take this as a little heads up on what you can do for them to make them feel appreciated today!)

Expect large gestures of love from an Aries Venus- today they might get you a huge bouquet, or an insane amount of chocolates. They’re here to make today feel passionate and sparky. They will happily take you out all around town, and make you feel like you’re top of the world (also because a day at home just doesn’t sound too intriguing- they wanna show you off!)
Expect them to want to be spoiled- and they want to spoil you. A Taurean Venus on Valentines day wants it all- the jewelry, the gifts, the finery of it all. That’s to say their love language is gift giving. They want to know that you’ve been thinking about them, and they’ll return the favor. Often gifting presents to you on Valentine’s day just to show you how much they adore YOU.


For Valentines day- a Gemini Venus is gonna want to get to know you on a deeper level- expect long conversations about all your favorite things. They might ask about when and how you fell in love with them (and vise versa). To them they show intimacy today through wanting to get to know you on a deeper level. Maybe a date to a nice quiet bistro- before heading home and continuing that little conversation.
A Cancer Venus will show how much they love with a nurting, romantic day at home. Maybe they’ll cook your favorite meal, bring you home some nice flowers, take care of the house so you don’t have to lift a finger. They’re all about to make today comfortable and loving- doting on your every need.


A Leo is all about grand gestures and moves, and that doesn’t change in Venus. Expect a big show and dance on Valentines day. Getting dressed to the night and going to the fanciest place possible. They want to show you off, and likewise be shown off. They want the world to know just how much they love you and they aren’t afraid to show it!
To a Virgo Venus- Valentine’s day may not be their cup of tea- that doesn’t meant that they don’t love you though. They’ll show off their love through a more practical means- like instead of a card, they may gift you with something that you need like a good bath bomb so you can relax. Expect small, meaningful gestures that show they’ve been thinking about you.


This is your holiday. You love, love. You’re all in it. Showering your partner with the whole nine yards- chocolate, wine, a card, fancy dinner date, getting dressed up, candles, like everything. They want to show you through every possible manner just how much they care. (Even if that means their wallet is gonna hate them when the clock strikes midnight).
For a Scorpio venus that has already told you how they feel by today- expect a very sensual Valentine’s. Couples massages, candle lit dinner at home, and putting on your favorite movie (doesn’t necessarily have to be romantic). They’re all about showing how they love you- as long as it’s behind closed doors and no one else can see them be squishy.


I wouldn’t past a Sagittarius Venus to plan a trip to a romantic spot on Valentine’s day. Maybe a place that holds significant importance to you both. They want to make the day special for you by taking you on an adventure. If a trip isn’t available- they’ll want to take you on a couples activity near you- probably something you’ve never done before- they just love being with you and trying new things.
Like Virgo, they don’t necessarily understand the point of Valentine’s day. However, what they will do to show you that they appreciate you (especially if you like Valentine’s day) is they will completely and totally plan out the day. They will take care of it all. The dinner, the flowers, perfectly thought out gifts. They value practicality over everything so if you want to show your appreciation- get them something they’ve been wanting for awhile, or take a moment to help them try to relax.


I think you’re in for a Valentine’s day you’ve never experienced before. They are gonna take you to something new, that helps to define your relationship. These Venusians are going to take you to a painting class, or to a new restaurant with a new type of cuisine to you both. They want to help expand your mental horizons. That’s their way of showing how much they love you- is by showing you how much more there is to life than the basics’ of Valentine’s day traditionally.
Like Libra expect to be spoiled by a Pisces venus- but instead of just falling into the traditional tropes of Valentine’s day- they are going to completely personalize it to you. They are going to write you a heartfelt letter to you versus a card. They’ll pick up a desert you love (not just chocolate), they get you a bouquet of your favorite flowers. They’ll take you to your favorite restaurant. They’re here to make sure you feel the love in every way possible

I hope you all have a wonderful Valentine’s day! Make sure to share the love, and truly enjoy being in each others presence. Love is a gift- express it.
Stay groovy, and I’ll see you on the flip,
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