illustration, northern lights, water colors, background header

The Sage Speaks: Astrology Observations (ed. I)

illustration, northern lights, water colors, background header

Hello and welcome to the Sage Speaks: Astrology Observations (Ed I). With me, your host, Cosmic Sage.

There’s so much in astrology. That’s a given right? It’s be something that’s been around for centuries, through so many different places in the world. It’s been taken up in so many different cultures.

Why is that? Why do we care so much about the stars, and what they have to say? and why should we care?

I mean it’s just a quack science right? There’s nothing actually supporting this.

And you would be right. There really isn’t. It is a pseudoscience. (This coming from an Aquarius sun, who prides herself on all this information she’s built up since she was a kid).

But here’s the thing. The big breakdown, and why I think we can all take a little bit away from astrology even if it’s a pseudo-science.

First: It’s fun. We can agree on that. Like what do the stars have to say about me. Like it’s a juicy little bit of gossip that the universe had something in store for me and I get to read all about it????

outline, orbit, watercolors, transparent

Whether we like it or not. Humans are obsessive over their place in the world. Astrology just helps make those little boxes a bit neater to fit in to. You have people on TikTok saying “Female Aries this”, “Male Cancer that”, oh are you a February Pisces or a March Pisces? What’s your deacon, that’ll tell you what type of Virgo you are!

Bull hunky- hubbub, bs. All of it. (I do think it’s kinda fun, but there are no striking differences between any of those).

It all just breaks down to feeling like we want to belong, and if we don’t feel like we relate to our sign then, why don’t we? What can I do to make myself fit in?

Nothing. You can do nothing.

The basis of this pseudoscience is that it all has to do with where the planets align in your chart at the exact minute you were born, and where.

There’s your day to day astrology, how transits react with your planets- but if that doesn’t match with your natal you are still going to feel left out. However, the other fun thing about astrology is that all signs can be applied to everyone at all times- because it’s vague.

Don’t like how your sun depicts you? Take a look at your rising, honestly you might relate more to that. Don’t like that? Take a look at your moon that’s your subconscious how you truly feel inside. Still not feeling it? Take a look at your generational planets- maybe you relate more to your generation than you do on a personal level. Don’t like that? Well maybe there’s a planet in one of your houses that is helping guide you to a different path, or an aspect between some of your planetary placements-

See what I mean?

Your personality isn’t set in stone based on the planets, and you can make yourself fit into whatever box you want to- and that’s where I find the most fun with astrology. I can look all over my chart, and add up the things that I relate to. That I see in myself, that I see in the people surrounding me. Then I take what resonates.

That’s what I want to make clear. You have to take what resonates with you.

No astrologer knows your life, knows what you’ve been through, or who you are now. The planets don’t care, and the world will keep on spinning.

So there’s no harm in saying, yeah I’m an Aquarius sun. I can be very detached from my emotions, but the Aries moon that I have- makes me a little more flamboyant, and my Libra rising helps smooth over the coarser edges.

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watercolor, symbols of the planets, sun, mercury, venus, moon, earth, midheaven, ascendent, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus,. neptune, pluto, transparent, outline

So What’s The Point?

moon symbol, jewels, galaxy, watercolor, outline, transparent, minimalism

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“If all of this is a pseudoscience, and I can cherry pick parts out of my chart to look at- what’s even the point?”

– You, probably

This leads to my second point. Astrology is helpful in the ways that it can point out strengths and weaknesses we might not recognize in ourselves otherwise.

let’s take my big three as an example.

  • Aquarius sun
  • Aries moon
  • Libra rising

Looking at these I can see that I am prone to wanting to give to the world while remaining out of the spotlight. Tending to have a short-temper, but a drive to do the things that I want to do, and I’m a pretty pleasing person to not only look at, but speak with. I gain knowledge fast, I can be childish, and I can be indecisive.

I relate to all of that pretty easily.

However, I know that a:

  • Virgo sun
  • Sagittarius moon
  • Leo rising

Might feel the same way. Cause those traits show up within those same three signs as well, just worded differently. They might not use the words childish, tendency to stay out of the spotlight, and indecisive.

They might use instead- neurotic, withdrawn, and warm energy…

You pick the words that resonate, and that helps you find the strengths and weakness you do have so you can actively work to better them, and in turn better yourself.

How do you mean?

Well for starters, I’ve been called bossy (not the actual word), many times. I know that’s a trait of the Aquarius sun. So instead of using that as an excuse to be awful. I try to work around it. An explanation, not a hall pass. I try to tone it down with people where I know that might be especially grating. Try to really focus in on that Libra charm.

I’m proud of my placements, you should be too. Just because of lack of vibe doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have benefit. It helps us to ask questions about ourselves that we might never had, and in turn helps us become the best version of ourselves that we can be.

That’s why you take what resonates

For example, I never really noticed my Gemini Jupiter. Not for a long time. But you know something really fun? Because I resonate with the Aquarius Sun, and Libra rising so hard- I got myself to be incredibly inquisitive, and communicative- and that led me to pursue a degree in communications.

A Gemini Jupiter is all about learning and growth through communication – I did that – without even really knowing about it. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy, an example of how astrology works without us even recognizing it.

It helps us to open doors, and find areas of ourselves we aren’t familiar with- and to be fair, who doesn’t like snooping behind closed doors?

So Where Are We Leaving off?

Aries Icon
Taurus Icon
Gemini Icon
Cancer Icon
The Sage Speaks: Leo Icon
Virgo Icon

We leave off where we always do.

Astrology is a fun and insightful tool. It helps us understand ourselves and one another, because we only recognize what resonates within us.

I think of it as an introduction you know?

If you only take what resonates- that’s how you’re introducing yourself to people you know? Instead of saying:

“My names Cosmic Sage, and I can be a bit standoffish, and aloof, but I promise- I just want to help you get to know yourself.”

I can say:

“My names Cosmic Sage, I’m an Aquarius sun, Aries moon, Libra rising.” (to those who understand)

and they know I resonate with what those signs mean. They know that I’m labeling myself as to what those signs represent.

That I probably consider myself to be a fiery, driven spirit, who marches to her own drum. That I’m loving, and doting and want to make sure that nobody gets cheated out of what they need. That in the end of it all, I probably consider myself weird, and childish, and indecisive.

Remember, an explanation NOT A HALL PASS.

Just because you resonate with the lesser qualities of yourself, doesn’t give you full on permission to be a buttface. It doesn’t give you the right to think of someone else as a buttface just for what their signs are.

I’ve known three Cancer’s all of them wildly different- EVEN THOUGH THEY WERE BORN THE SAME YEAR JUST A COUPLE DAYS APART. There’s never a true person of a sign, even if they have a stellium, which is five or more planets in a single sign. Two people could have the same big three and be wildly different- I mean look at me versus Adam Lambert.

Bottom line- while resonating with your sign (good and bad) is fun and it’s insightful- don’t let it run your life. We are so much more than any equation can put together (fake or not). We have different lives, different paths, different destinies that can only be dictated by one thing alone.


So as always, take what resonates, leave what doesn’t, and breathe deep.

The Sage Speaks: Libra Icon
Scorpio Icon
The Sage Speaks: Sagittarius Icon
Capricorn Icon
Aquarius Icon
The sage speaks: Pisces Icon

Stay groovy, and I’ll catch you on the flip,

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