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Sun Signs for Beginners: Lesson One

Welcome new astrologist! I’m so happy you’re taking this first step into learning astrology, and I’m here to help. Welcome to Lesson one: Sun Signs for Beginners. Every step of the way. Now, I’m sure that if you’re here you’ve heard of the zodiac in some way, shape, or form. May you’ve seen the symbols, or people rocking some gear related to their zodiac sign, and that led to me. So to begin this little lesson, there are twelve zodiac signs (take a peek and find yours if you don’t know!):

sun signs for beginners, horoscope dates, aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, aquarius, pisces

All of these signs are constellations resting on the ecliptic plane in space. Throughout the year, the planetary bodies (including the sun) pass through the different signs. This is what gives us our birth chart, and to boot our personalities. As the date, time, and location of your birth- where the planets rest is what helps to determine your personality (traditionally speaking).

The dates you currently see aligned with the zodiac all correspond with our sun signs. The sun travels through the signs through that time frame every single year, and it’s by far the easiest thing to track. This is why most basic horoscopes only include your sun sign. 

Your sun sign is the most basic part of your personality. The sun corresponds with your truest, inner, self. The things you want the most, who you feel you are.

Now gets to the fun part: learning about this aspect of your personality!

Related Readings

The Zodiac through the Sun

An important thing to note is that these signs do all have their own associations and feelings behind them. I will break down the signs independently of the lens of a planet in another post, but for now- we get to get into the meat of the matter.

“What does my sign being in the sun say about me?”

Great question. I have an answer!

So strap in to your seats, cause we’re about to take the scenic route. My recommendation is to read them all, not just your own sign. As this will help with translating other parts of your birth chart later on, and you’ll be able to help walk others through their own as well!

♈Aries- The Ram (March 21st- April 19th)

Aries, sun, aries sun beginner, aries sun, sun signs for beginners, minimalism, galaxy, watercolor

When I was talking about how the sun is the most basic form of who you are and what you want. Aries took that personally. This is a fire sign and it feels comfortable in the sun (though not as at home as Leo- more on that later). This particular zodiac sign is a very impulsive sign, they see something they want and they go out and get it- though unfortunately, sometimes they fizzle out before getting there. They’re the fireworks you set off in your backyard, the first campfire of summer, and the gun going off at the race track. They leave an impact and mean it. They are the kick off to new beginnings, just like the season they start. 

♉Taurus- The Bull (April 20th- May 20th)

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “Stubborn as a bull” at some point in your life, and that is completely true for those who find that they have their sun sign in Taurus. Taurus is one who prefers to be comfortable, and they find that comfort in the finer things of life. They are the connoisseurs of the zodiac. They enjoy feeling, tasting, and seeing the finer things in life, preferably from somewhere where they are comfortable. Taurus is the cherry blossoms in spring, they are the fresh vegetables eaten, and they are the smell of the April showers. Taurus is the feeling when you come home after a long day, and you feel safe. 

Taurus, sun, taurus sun beginner, taurus sun, minimalism, watercolor, galaxy

♊Gemini- The Twins (May 21st- June 21st) 

Gemini, sun, gemini sun beginner, gemini sun, minimalism, watercolor, galaxy

The twins, one doing the listening, the other doing the yapping- Gemini eats information for breakfast and then tends to spew it out just as quickly. They are so communicative it can make your head spin and start seeing double.  They are fairly flighty, and are incredibly adaptable (even to their detriment) sometimes giving the impression that they might not be who they say they are. Gemini is the cool spring breeze with the promise of summer, the dandelion fuzz in the wind, and the buzz of lively conversation. Gemini is that breath of fresh spring air you didn’t know you were missing, with the promise of warmer days to come. 

♋Cancer- The Crab (June 22nd – July 22nd)

To celebrate the kickoff of summer, and a quarter way through the year we have Cancer, the most nurturing sign of the zodiac. Their depth of emotion runs as deep as the ocean, and maybe twice as wide- with the unpredictability of the waves matching their emotions. Oftentimes, like their crab counterpart, they will put up a shell exterior to try to keep themselves from getting hurt. They are the still lake painted with the colors of the sunset, the ocean on a rainy day, and the puddles you splash in. Cancer is home, in many ways, it’s where you’re your best and your worst- and being loved despite it all. 

Cancer, Sun, cancer sun beginners, cancer sun, sun signs for beginners, minimalism, galaxy, watercolor

♌Leo- The Lion (July 23rd – August 22nd)

Leo, sun, leo sun beginner, leo sun, watercolor, galaxy, minimalism, sun signs for beginners

Leo is right at home in the sun, the sun being Leo’s guiding planet. Leo’s tend to want to feel important. This can lead down many different roads, with Leo’s being depicted as conceited or top dog most of the time. However, Leo usually wants people to feel good and they want recognition for that. They are the biggest dreamers of the zodiac and passionate in all that they do. Leo is the bonfire, the fireworks on the Fourth of July, they are the canon in the 1812 Overture composed by Tchaikovsky. They are large and in charge, the beauty, and the power- ensuring all are taken care of in their mighty reign. 

♍Virgo- The Maiden (August 23rd- September 22nd)

I’m sure, especially if you’re in the astrology space already, that you have heard Virgo as being depicted as OCD, everything has its place, control freaks. While that’s true to some degree, it is completely over exaggerated. Virgo is hard working, and patient. They put a lot of care into what they do so to see it squandered- sucks. Virgo’s want to do their best in any area they find themselves in, so much so that the fear of doing poorly might scare them away from doing something they enjoy. Virgo is tending your garden, the effort of preparing a meal, and the joy you feel when you see your masterpiece coming to life.

Virgo, Sun, virgo sun beginner, virgo sun, minimalism, galaxy, watercolor

♎Libra- The Scales (September 23 – October 23rd)

libra, sun, libra sun beginners, libra sun, sun signs for beginners, watercolor, minimalism, galaxy

There is balance in everything, and Libra is the balance. Sociable, admirable, and easily approachable are three great ways to describe a Libra. Indecisive to a fault, always trying to find the middle ground, and being a bit of a doormat is also descriptive of Libra. Always walking the middle ground and never putting your foot down can be a detriment and a benefit. It all depends how you look at it. Libra is the hot humid air of summer saying good-bye to crisp Autumn winds, the warm scent of apple pie, and the quiet of a library. Libra is the breath you didn’t know you were holding, and the relief that comes with exhaling.

♏Scorpio- The Scorpion (October 24th – November 21st)

Scorpio- the darkest sign of the zodiac (read scary), is how they are portrayed. Usually dark, mysterious, obsessive over the darker things in life. That typically falls in line where their zodiac lands at this point in the year. However, Scorpio’s are just as sensitive as the rest of their water sign counterparts, they just have a much easier time hiding it. This sign wants true, real power, and they want to acquire it- oftentimes working behind the scenes, the director of the play so to speak. Scorpio’s are one of the most willful of the zodiacs, and have a strong head on their shoulders. They are the cloud covered full moon, the trenches of the ocean, and the peaceful nights that the autumn brings.

Scorpio, sun, scorpio sun beginners, scorpio sun, sun signs for beginners, minimalism, galaxy, watercolor

♐Sagittarius- The Archer (November 22nd – December 21st)

Sagittarius, sun, sagittarius sun beginners, sagittarius sun, minimalism, watercolor, galaxy

Like the arrows the archer so lovingly shoots that’s where Sagittarius will go. They feel at home in the sun as well (similar to Aries), and can feel more energized in this sign. This sign tends to walk an exciting path in life, and can be considered restless. Libra’s are relatively easy going, but almost to a fault as no one can pin down where their next adventures lead them. Sagittarius is the smoke of a wildfire, the lights of a new city, and the heat of a hot spring. Sagittarius works their way into your bones in a way you never thought possible. They will take you with them on the road less traveled.

♑Capricorn- The Goat (December 22nd – January 19th)

Welcome to winter, and Capricorn is already at the door to greet you. Capricorn is all about striving to get to the end goal. They ensure to take their time to find something worthwhile. Capricorns have their feet in the dirt, making their ambition a reality. Sometimes to their detriment, they can be so laser focused that they can forget what’s going on around them. They’re the applause after a large project, the recognition of seeing how far you’ve come, and reaping the fruits of labor. To be Capricorn, is to be the stability of a goat clinging to the mountain side, and knowing exactly where you will place your next step. 

Capricorn, sun, capricorn sun beginner, capricorn sun, galaxy, minimalism, watercolor

♒Aquarius- The Water Bearer (January 20th – February 18th)

Aquarius, sun, aquarius sun beginner, aquarius sun, minimalism, galaxy, watercolor

Aquarius, you are in a detriment in this sign. The sun was not meant for you. Which is why you are the quirkiest sign of the zodiac. This isn’t always a bad thing. Aquarius has the will to walk to the beat of their own drum, and likes it better that way. However, this means that you aren’t everyone’s favorite cup of tea. Some find your eccentric behavior to be off putting. Aquarius is the blinding white of a blizzard, the negative chill in the air, and the serene peace of a cold winter’s night. They’re the fog in the morning, crystallized with the first sun’s rays, before they melt, never to be seen again.. 

♓Pisces- The Fish (February 19th – March 20th)

Pisces you are a jellyfish, my friend. The current takes you to where you end up. Pisces is often considered a fairly spaced out sign, lost in their own daydreams. But like their water sign trio, they are compassionate and caring. The most empathetic sign in the zodiac, leaves a deep need to care for others on an emotional level. In all honesty Pisces might take tortured poets department just a little too seriously. Finding their empathy and passions through their own sadness. Pisces is the tears you cry when your emotions feel too big for this world, the comfort of being wrapped in a big blanket, and the sweetness that comes with a first love. 

Pisces, sun, pisces sun beginner, pisces sun, watercolor, galaxy, minimalism

Wrap Up Sun Signs for Beginners:

There it is the twelve zodiacs in the sun in their most basic form through the lens of the sun. Stay tuned in for each of the twelve signs broken down further in their most basic forms without a len. There will also be an upcoming post for Moon signs.

Stay groovy, and I’ll see you on the other side.

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