Here we are the long awaited Lesson Three- Rising Signs for beginners. In this lesson we are going to be covering what rising signs are and their impact on the world.
Suggested Readings
These help to build out the bit of personality that is shown through the rising signs, and you’ll start to see a bit of a pattern in between the signs and their respective planetary lens, this also give the three basic building blocks of personality and what most people will see when they are interacting with you. So without too much fanfare let’s get into rising signs for beginners.
- What is a Rising Sign?
- The Rising Signs Through the Zodiac
- Aries
- Taurus
- Gemini
- Cancer
- Leo
- Virgo
- Libra
- Scorpio
- Sagittarius
- Capricorn
- Aquarius
- Pisces
- Wrap Up: Rising Signs for Beginners
What is a Rising Sign?

A rising sign is the sign that is rising in the east when you are born. This changes every two hours, so that’s why it’s important to know when you were born. If you don’t know when you were born most people will go with an unknown time, and not calculate this. However, if you do have the resources to calculate this- it can be super interesting to see how it impacts you.
In Astrology your rising sign (or ascendant) is your first instincts when encountering a new person, place, situation, or problem. It’s the placement of first impressions, and those first impression can be highly dictated by relationships that this placement has with others. (That’s for another time though).
There’s also the opinion that your rising sign can shape how you appear, such as a Cancer will look more rounded and moon shaped. An Aquarius rising will seem more alien looking that human. The like. I’m not going to get into that too much this time around, and will instead focus on your natural instincts to new situations. So go and take a look at your rising sign, and come on back (if you’d like), or read on through.
The Rising Signs Through the Zodiac
This is one of the only times that you aren’t going to see a lot of hot-headedness that is usually associated with Aries. In this placement Aries is direct. They come off strong, and honestly, a bit childish. Not too dissimilar to a kid being able to walk up to another kid and saying “we’re best friends now”. These signs are highly independent, and take matters into their own hands and people often let them. More or less because they are so headstrong that it doesn’t seem like they could use the extra hand. Similar to their moon sign- everything seems to get done quickly by an Aries rising, often walking fast, talking fast, and not staying still for too long.


Taurus in this placement can be considered enduring to say the least. They have endless patience versus an Aries. They feel the situations of new problems out before figuring out to approach them. A Taurus took that story from the Tortoise and the Hare, and made it their life motto. Slow, and steady is how to accomplish the things that you want done. Like their sun sign, a luxurious life style is the one for them, often buying things they don’t need up front. It’s a downside that can often haunt their credit cards. These signs are typically seen as having a large and calming aura that makes you feel safe and secure upon meeting them for the first time.
Gemini is the definition of mental acrobatics ok? They play that up in this placement as well- often flitting between social circles. This can seem kinda intimidating and even jarring as their cleverness and quick wit can come across as trying to gain information. Which they are, you just don’t know why, which is why it’s scary. However, most of the time, it’s good natured, and they are just curious about you. Like a fish. They can be bubbly and chatty or they can seem downright analytical, and that’s the twins for you. Sometimes you just aren’t sure which one you’re interacting with. But deep down it all comes back to the same place of just being excited to know.


Ah my little crab. That shell of yours tends to keep you from experiencing things first hand doesn’t it? Often putting up defenses as soon as something new is introduced, a Cancer in this placement can seem incredibly shy at first. For a lot of people a first impression that you might’ve heard is “Awe, well aren’t you just sweet?”. However, sometimes that shut down instinct of yours can come across as trying to be detached. Keyword: Trying. Cancer still shows it’s emotions in this sign very strongly, by (after feeling out a situation) showing a caring hand if one is needed.
You might think that Leo in this placement would be a bright star taking the center stage. You would be correct. They often feel like they are putting up an act in all areas of their life and this can lead to getting mentally sidetracked often. Leo is very much a drama llama in this placement. The lion likes to roar and have all eyes on them, there’s no getting around this especially in the ascendant. When the sign is placed here they can come across as childish, and warm, like school vacation. They know their place in the world and there’s nothing you can do to stop them. They’re very self aware, and focus on all aspects of their life, and how that affects people’s perception of them.


A Virgo rising, is a bit more subdued than Leo, but not as much as Cancer. They just know how to keep to themselves. Oftentimes analyzing the situations that come before them and figuring out to handle it with grace. Virgo is the maiden, and that leads to modesty and introspection. Virgo is constantly listening out for what they might be trying to signal to themselves. Listening in for that subconscious perspective that may go amiss. They aren’t the type to refrain from new situations like Cancer, but they do enter into each new experience with analytical caution. The moment that a situation fails the vibe check they are out faster than lightning.
Oh Libra, everyone loves you and that’s not an understatement. I’m sure you’ve found that people are just attracted to you, they seem to want to be around you. Its because you feel so balanced and easy-going and just overall pleasant. But that’s your game. You enjoy playing fair. So whenever a conflict or new situation arises, you’re often looking for how to play it nice, so no one gets upset. This leads to many different people coming into a Libra risings life. The good, the bad, and the straight ugly. Relationships can be a soft spot for a Libra rising, and they often get into arguments with their partner because – hey, they just feel like they know best. Libra in this placement needs to stop letting fear rule their life – and compromise a bit more.


A Scorpio rising has an interesting magnetism to them. They can either push or pull people to them. Scare or entice. Furthermore, it never seems like there’s an in-between between the two. Scorpio rising have a dark, mysterious, and powerful aura to them. (Think Dracula). It draws people in, they want to know more. But you don’t let them do you Scorpio? When you’re confronted with new situations you keep to yourself, you know this game, and if you’re going to get through it- you’re gonna let it figure itself out before you get involved. You like to read between the lines, and figure out situations while in the midst of them- relying on your own personal strategy for how you can control it.
Have you ever met that person where you go out for a night on the town, and by the end of it they’ve convinced you that you should go all in on their soap making business? Who seems so keen on big ideas and promises- thinking that if they just try they can accomplish their goals? They might have been a Sagittarius rising. Sagittarius is a worldly sign, that is always looking at how to grow. They are very passionate and determined about the things they want to do and they have an easy charisma that convinces other people to go along with it. When a Sagittarius rising is met with a new challenge they face it head on and look for a way to turn that spark into a flame, always building upon themselves and looking for something grand.


Capricorn risings come across as pragmatic, and serious. They have a deadpan style of humour that kinda just hits home, in some of the most glorious of ways. Capricorn risings are seen as responsible, serious, and just ingeral like they have a really good head on their shoulders. When a Capricorn meets a challenge on the front end it may seem like they have it all worked out, striding through most of their problems with a good amount of determination and dedication. However, Capricorn (ruled by Saturn the planet of Karama and rules), often feels like they might not be doing enough. Creating a sense of insecurity within themselves when dealing with situations. Sometimes, the best that a Capricorn can do for themselves, is know they are enough.
Hello again my freaky little alien. From the planet of individualism itself, here you are. You really are into that counter- culture, do my own thing, ignore what other people think aren’t you? You claim to like new experiences, that you like to meet people from all walks of life, that you are in general just very accepting of everything. But you don’t really go out and try new things. That’s the nature of an Aquarius. You avoid the new until you can’t anymore. Then you find out- hey I actually really enjoy learning about this thing and I do accept that it may be a good experience. Aquarius is generally a very progressive sign, thinking and acting in what could be considered humanities best interests, and taking it all in stride.


Pisces rising. Still with your head in the clouds. When you encounter new situations- it might take a second for you to realize that you’re even in one. yet, when you do, you’re able to figure out how to work through new issues with grace and ease, taking everything as it comes and letting it flow down the river of life. A Pisces rising is very directionless, never preferring a standard way of living. They can be pretty aimless in their pursuits and never seem to settle in one area for too long. They are truly free-minds that try to perceive their lives one day at a time, in single moments, as that’s the way that they feel life needs to be perceived.
Wrap Up: Rising Signs for Beginners
That’s a wrap on Rising Signs for Beginners. Everyone has their own ways to look at and interact with the world, and first times are important for everything. The last important thing to note, is that this is a very generalized way of looking at the rising signs. Many different things come into play. Other planets and how they interact with the rising can completely change the rising entirely. Take Leo rising for example, if you pair it with a Cancer sun- they might only act so flared and dramatic- when they’re with family in friends. Or take an Aries rising and pair it with a Capricorn mars, that wild fire energy will become focused and directed into accomplishing their next tasks. So take these generalizations, and pair them with the natural ruler of the sign. Aries to mars, Leo to the sun, Pisces to Neptune- this will give a better indicator for how you in particular may express that energy.
But all in all that’s all she wrote for today. Keep an eye out for the next post- Mercury Signs for Beginner: Lesson Four.
Stay groovy, and I’ll catch you on the flip,
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