Here we are in Relationships – Understanding Charts: Lesson Two (Sun). This is part one to the series. As for the next few lessons I’m going to be walking through planet by planet, and looking at the intersections between each planet and its aspect with the other nine.
As it stands there’s going be a lot of writing for me to do, but hey that’s what I do best. So to start out with this we are going to be looking at the aspects of the Sun today, and how those relate through the different aspects and really start building up that understanding of what you are looking at.
Aspects and the Planets

The Sun
So as a reminder, there are five aspects that we are going to be looking at in depth. That’s conjunction, opposition, trine, square, and sextile.
These are the strongest aspects, and depending on the planets and which planets they relate to affects how it shows in the personality of the given person. This also breaks down further by zodiac signs the planets are in- but that’s a lot of writing, and that’s gonna take some time.
So for now we are going to look at brief overviews, and circle back around to it when I get it written down. So kick back, grab your favorite drink, a notepad, whatever you need and lets get into it- shall we?
The Sun
So to begin let’s take a look at the sun, and what those relationships look like from the moon all the way to Pluto.
The Moon
Aspects through the Moon

Conjunction – 0° ~ 9°
When you look at the sun in conjunction with the moon, the relationship is going to be a fairly neutral one. They support one another and bring on the traits of the zodiac sign to the fullest extent. They alight one another. It’s a true blending of the conscious and subconscious. They work in harmony where your inner drives are fully realized and understood in perfect harmony. Making it very easy for you to achieve your passions.

Opposition – 180° ~ 8°
This is a hard relationship. Your ego is at odds with your subconscious. It’s like having a constant argument with yourself. You may want to be more extroverted for example, but your mind can’t rationalize it or find value in it. Instead deciding it may be better to stay inside. It’s a battle of trying to find that balance of want versus need, and breaking down that fear of not trusting your inner desires.

Trine – 120° ~ 6°
The desires of your ego flow through easily in this aspect. It becomes more easily understood what you want to do, and offers a different position on how you are going to achieve it. For example If you have a fire sun in Leo, and a Sagittarius moon, that drive that you bring to your life in your desires is going to take on with a growth mindset. Displaying yourself as someone who can fully appreciate the world surrounding you, and can gain a mass following of people seeing your desires and wanting it for themselves.

Square – 90° ~ 5°
Then you have your square aspect. Another challenging aspect. Imagine having too much of the same personality in the same room. It bounces off of one another, and can cause a lot of headaches. Especially if they’re faced in opposite directions. Take that same Leo sun and pair it with a Scorpio moon. You want to shine, be out there, and achieve your passions, but you have your Scorpio moon telling you to slow it down- don’t reveal anything yet. While this can be beneficial in helping you keep to yourself in important notions… it can severely hold you back in the same manner. You have something you need to do- and it’s up to you to work through this roadblock.

Sextile – 60° ~ 3°
Lastly, there is Sextile. This is another harmonious aspect. Having the Sun Sextile moon is going to allow you to work through your ego, and figure out a way to make that happen for you, in a (albeit strong) easier to digest way. Your desires are fulfilled more easily, if not in the way you would typically expect. Let’s take our Leo sun again shall we? Pair that desire with the diplomacy and evened out emotions of a Libra- and you’re in business. You’ll be able to work out how to get those desires without stepping on too many heads, and in a more diplomatic way. Processing how you can achieve something without the need for any harsh or rude mentality.
Aspects through Rising

Conjunction – 0° ~ 9°
If you find your Sun in the 12th house and your rising in the first (where it always is). You may have difficulties in the ability to fully understand your desires. You’re a best foot out person- but, that being said, it doesn’t feel like you. Over time, and through talking through new situations or engaging with new people this will fade over time. If both are conjunct in the first house, however, there is no qualms. You have an aura of confidence about you. People know who you are, what you want, and you are shining through it. People will look at you, and know you who are and what you are about. No first impressions here, this is who you are and it’s all on the table.

Opposition – 180° ~ 8°
Have you ever met someone, and were like- yeah I vibe with them hard… and then after a few months of getting to know them they are a completely different person? That’s what sun opposition rising is. If you have a Leo sun, and Aquarius rising for example- this person at first is going to seem almost otherworldly. They are going to seem alien and intriguing. Someone who gives up the reins, and is fully accepting of people around them. But then after getting to know them, they seem to have this drive and desire to fully run the show. They care about the people around them sure- but in a much different light than previously perceived. It’s not for intellectual gain, it’s more to make sure their posse fits the vibe.

Trine – 120° ~ 6°
Within the trine of sun and ascendant you are going to meet some who has an aura that pulls you in. Like a light in the winter, this aspect makes you glow. It’s an innate ability of leadership, and the ability to gain the favor of people around you. It’s not a trait that is easily recognized and is considered more of a hidden talent. You speak, and people tend to want to listen. Say for example we are looking at our Leo Sun again, and trine that with an Aries rising. Here you are going to have a person that comes off fun, and childish when you first meet them alight with the energy of Aries, and then- you meet that driven and warm Leo beneath it and you are hooked. It’s almost infectious.

Square – 90° ~ 5°
When you have a square between the sun and the ascendant you are going to meet someone who, can’t properly get their point across. It’s constantly having to double back and explain your true intentions. Like there’s never a true connection between their impression versus themselves. It can come off as aggressive, and more defiant. It can be incredibly frustrating for the person who has this aspect, and it’s likewise frustrating for those who operate outside of it.

Sextile – 60° ~ 3°
Within the sextile of the Sun and rising, there’s another warmer air like the trine, but it’s more subtle. People just slowly start to gravitate toward what you have to say. They have an attitude that just bleeds charisma and oozes an authority that you want to follow. It’s an aura that (as long as your signs match up with said), is easy to get along with.
Aspects through Mercury

Conjunction – 0° ~ 8°
So fun fact- This is the only aspect that the sun can have with Mercury in a natal chart.
Mercury can only exist in three places. The sun sign, or one of the signs right by it- it’s not always conjunct- but it usually is. It’s the synergy of you expressing yourself through communication. Of course there’s the aspect that Mercury helps to communicate the moon and suns desires. So having Mercury fully conjunct with the sun- just helps to express those desires to the utmost degree. You are well spoken and can communicate your ideas effectively bringing about an air of witty intelligence that people like.
Aspects through Venus

Conjunction – 0° ~ 8°
Someone with this aspect in their chart may come off fairly superficial. They seem to love too easily, give too readily, and fall quite fast. If they desire you, they want you to desire them back. There’s no two ways about it. They can be very…. appreciative… of their own image often becoming self indulged in their own looks. Getting too caught up in their own mannerisms. They are that stereotypical popular person in school where everything seems to be handed to them, with nothing gained. However, they are very tolerating and very diplomatic. Often being able to smooth over talking with people and harsh situations.
and guess what just like Mercury- this is the only transit possible for Venus in the natal chart.
Aspects through Mars

Conjunction – 0° ~ 6°
When looking at the conjunct between the Sun and Mars, the innate desires of the Sun are going to be energized through Mars. Bringing for an aggressive and dominant energy. They see something they want and they will take it. A Sun conjunct Mars enjoys the thrill of the chase, and often go after the things that seem to not want them. Often denoting themselves as highly charismatic, driven, problem-solvers.

Opposition – 180° ~ 5°
Oh boy. You like to fight don’t you? It doesn’t really matter how you do it- but you enjoy it. You can come off as antsy, impatient, volatile, and ready to strike. For example if your sun is in Leo, and your Mars is in Aquarius- you might show this anger through a cold, stubborn attitude, quietly plotting the demise of your enemies in creative ways. Whereas if you take the reverse of that, Sun in Aquarius – Leo Mars. You’ll find someone who is more brazen when you’ve ticked them off, making it known immediately what you’ve done to them.

Trine – 120° ~ 4°
You have a pretty fair head on your shoulder with this aspect. I’m sure you’ve been told that you’re a fair winner time and time again. Yeah, you can be competitive, but it’s all in good fun. Having the inner motives work with the planet of ambition like this is definitely a positive aspect. It works in tandem to create a vibe where you know how to get what you want, but you aren’t going to go off the deep end about it. More or less just problem-solving your way to achieve the things needed without needing to bust any heads.

Square – 90° ~ 3°
Hello again conflict. People with a square in this aspect, also love to fight. But its more subdued. Think passive aggressive when they aren’t getting the things they want, or when people butt heads with them. Of course it also depends on modality, but in truth- they are feisty people. They are the quiet, seething rage you need to be aware of. It’s a strong, imposing will- without the means to fully activate it. Biting your own tongue is common in this aspect.

Sextile – 60° ~ 2°
Then we end once again with sextile. Again, you are more of a pleasing person to compete with. It seems like you can laugh off a loss fairly easily, and the aggression isn’t super strong. Not to say to not make you upset, but that it’s more difficult to see that rage like it is in the opposition and square. More like you know what you’re doing, and you can get it done, no matter what anyone says. Taking it one step at a time, and accomplishing things at a slower pace than you would if there was a higher level of synastry.
Aspects through Jupiter

Conjunction – 0° ~ 7°
Take the largest planet in the solar system, and then pair it with arguably one of the most important. When you have a Jupiter and Sun conjunction you are going to find someone who has a larger than life personality (especially if they’re in Leo). You’re going to find someone who has no issues channeling their desires and inner wants and figuring out how to expand them. They might be incredibly philosophical, and endearing when it comes to having in-depth conversations about their passions.

Opposition – 180° ~ 6°
You tend to spend a lot don’t you? Falling into ruts of “well I deserve a treat-“. This can be a challenging aspect in the way that you may have an over-inflated sense of self worth and desire to please yourself. Your desires aren’t lining up with the growth that you need to undertake. You may feel as though you’ve been dealt a bad hand and can’t catch a break. But as all things tnd to do- eventually we end up figuring this out. Looking at the signs in this position can help point you in the direction for where you are trying to grow, and then where your desires lay. If this is figured out you can try to find a path to peace, and it can help bolster that luck and growth.

Trine – 120° ~ 5°
You ever feel like you pass through life with like, nothing going wrong? You may have this aspect. There’s a lack of feeling the struggles of life- or even the necessity to grow. Because- it’s already been handed to you and you’re just that lucky. It’s as if there’s someone looking down on you giving you a big thumbs up and saying “Ok!” whenever you figure out there’s something you need. While this is overall a very good aspect to have, you also need to pay attention to where that jupiter is- so that way you can expand that growth and fall into more than you need. Try to grow instead of letting it happen passively.

Square- 90° ~ 4°
This is an interesting one. Not because you’re unlucky. More or less because you do have some good fortune. Things work out- but not in the ways one would really expect. Take it this way- a square follows into our quadruplicities meaning we have some shared traits with the sign we’re squaring off against. So really- if you are finding that your luck isn’t super favorable or you want more, all you have to do is lay the groundwork to achieve it. If you want the success that Jupiter offers- you need to work for it.

Sextile- 60° ~ 3°
With this type of aspect in your chart you may be more predisposed to following the rules. Having an internal compass towards fairness and what’s right. This is what ends up following your path towards growth and fortune. Your desires are easily understood by Jupiter and the path to growth flows easily. It might not be as forthcoming as a trine, but you carry a similar air of self-importance, and things seem to come more easily for you.
Aspects through Saturn

Conjunction – 0° ~ 6°
One of the things with both the sun and saturn is that they are heavily tied to a strong masculine figure in your life. Having this aspect in conjunction implies that you may have strong issues related to a relationship involving a masculine figure in your life. One of the main reasons this is explored is because Saturn is for rules and bad karma and having that directly impact your desires- it gets an interesting outcome. In early childhood- it might seem like you’ve had some bad luck- but… that helps to build up resilience, understanding and a healthy dose of responsibility.

Opposition – 180° ~ 5°
Now- like the conjunction aspect here- you probably had the worst possible hand dealt to you in life. Not with just a father figure, oh no. Life just came at you from all directions. Beating you down, and taking you to town. However, unlike a conjunction while this aspect can still impart a sense of responsibility and understanding- but you’re more likely to have a poorer outlook on life and a tendency to see the glass half-empty.

Trine – 120° ~ 4°
Life wasn’t as hard for you as those first two, but it’s more than likely that a masculine figure in your life took you under their wing and taught you the ropes of responsibility. Unlike the other two as well, you’re less likely to talk about it, maybe not even having recognized that this was a value instilled in you. It’s more of a quiet hard working energy that you have . Somehow taking the confines and karma of the world and making it work to your benefit.

Square- 90° ~ 3°
Saturn is just one of those planets that no matter what aspect you have there’s going to be some challenges. The challenging aspects just make the challenges harder. Square is no different than conjunction and Opposition in this case. When taking a closer look this hardship will more than likely take place in the first quarter of your life, until you can figure out how to work within the confines of Saturn and be able to pursue your desires with the hard-work that Saturn offers.

Sextile- 60° ~ 2°
As one of the softest relationships that is possible between Sun and Saturn- you didn’t get the worst hand possible, doesn’t mean it was easy either. You still may have some damage that was dealt in early on, but the chances of that masculine figure actually helping you work through them is higher. Giving you a sense of responsibility from a young age, and a quiet determination that helps you to figure out what you are looking at and how to go about your accomplishments.
Aspects through Uranus

Conjunction – 0° ~ 5°
Now coming from someone who has this aspect- it’s not necessarily a bad one- if you look at it right. One of the main themes of Uranus is that you march to the beat of your own drum, you value personal freedom, and are constantly looking for progression and change. However, this can lead to rebelliousness and turmoil when people don’t agree with your standing. Meaning you aren’t going to be everyone’s favorite cup of tea because you can be so far out on the limb. It’s up to you whether or not you want to embrace that- I do. However, when looking at this aspect you are taking your desires and fully aligning them with change. Constantly looking for how to express yourself within it, and expand that field.

Opposition – 180° ~ 4°
You are at war with your own self and that’s interesting. When you are faced with your own individuality- it doesn’t feel like you are looking at yourself. It’s as though you are staring down something that is completely unfamiliar to you. This can drive you more towards rampant individuality or towards the group as you feel confronted by the individuality. This aspect will eventually help you unlock what it means to fully embrace your own self and desires, and that more rebellious aspect of yourself that you may not be wanting to acknowledge.

Trine – 120° ~ 3°
Your individualism rolls through to you freely. Not only is this an easily understood relationship between who you are and who you want to present yourself as, but it comes naturally. You are an agent of progress and want to instill change in the areas around you. You’re likely to find different areas in your life where you can instill change on a large scale and become apart of the group. You thrive in your individualism, and others readily recognize that in you.

Square – 90° ~ 2°
While not completely at odds with yourself like in the opposition nature, there is still some difficulties in understanding your own individuality. It’s a complicated dance, and honestly you might enjoy that aspect of yourself, that you are more complex. It breathes look at me I’m an individual. Over time you will eventually figure out how to navigate this and use the energy of the modality to fully come in to yourself and find that sense of individuality and progressiveness that you want within your own desires.

Sextile – 60° ~ 1°
With the sextile aspect in these two planets you are going to be looking at easily communicated ideas, and a bolstered sense of identity. Although you don’t quite see yourself like you would with conjunction or feel as at ease as a trine. You still recognize yourself and your individualistic traits. Your complimentary element ignites that side of you, breathing life into you and making you feel complex without hardship and helps to build a stronger sense of complexity that otherwise just isn’t seen. While you aren’t on the front lines of change you are still rooting for it in your day to day life.
Aspects through Neptune

Conjunction 0° ~ 5°
You may feel disconnected from yourself with this kind of placement. With Neptune being a higher vibrational planet that thrives off the daydreaming, creativity and getting lost in thought and philosophy. However, this can be combated through the pursual of those kinds of arts, and getting creative. You may find that you have a strong desire to pursue more artistic dreams, and lose yourself within them. Thus losing yourself in relationships, and you tend to meld into your surrounding scenery.

Opposition 180° ~ 4°
An interesting position to have. It helps find an interesting type of complexity to your personality. Not only are you more sure of yourself- but you also lose that sense of identity because you find it hard to let yourself dream. When you lose that passion to dream it makes it really hard to manifest your desires. Likewise, you might find yourself in a situation where you are consistently allowing yourself to dream, and you can’t get out of it- things falling in and out of your hands. Leading to an existence where you’re prone to let yourself get taken advantage of because you are searching for an escape in the wrong people.

Trine 120° ~ 3°
Having this kind of trine in your chart, can lead to a strong sensitivity that can usually only be seen in Pisces (because Neptune is ruled by Pisces). It comes as naturally as breathing, and sometimes you lose sight of that. The sheer amount of empathy that you have for others is something that you often take for granted because it such a second nature. You often align yourself with ideals and movements where you feel as though you can make the most change.

Square 90° ~ 2°
Ahhhh, life has been unfair to you hasn’t it? This placement speaks to a level of squishiness that is just not seen by many. Honestly there might have been a point in your life where you were forced to confront your emotions in a way that you weren’t read for. Not to the level that Neptune needs you to face them. Unlike the Conjunction or Trine placements becoming apart of movements might make you feel uncomfortable as it makes you face the fact that the world isn’t as ideal as you’d like it to be.

Sextile 60° ~ 1°
The last aspect for Neptune shows that you might be just a little more in tune with the world than others. You have that same easiness when it comes to empathy, but it’s toned down. Less like a blazing hot sun and instead just the subtle warmth of a spring day letting you know that winters over. You still have the idealism that you wish to see in the world like a square, but unlike the square aspect you are more than likely to feel just a little bit less afraid when confronting it.
Aspects through Pluto

Conjunction 0° ~ 5°
You have a deeply personal and depp secretive side to your personality. The matters of your desires aren’t the concern of anyone else and that keeps you with your head to the ground and trying to transform yourself without the help of others. This helps you to live to the fullest, taking in lifes enjoyments and allowing it to grow you into the person you want to be. You are rich and vibrant- but have a tendency to seem mysterious and dark, leading to people feeling more suspicious than trusting of your actions.

Opposition 180° ~ 4°
The issue with this placement is that you embrace the change of yourself too much. Often reaching for heights that are largely unnecessary. Instead of it being as transformative and deep as it needs to be you may change colors like a chameleon not really projecting yourself at all to the world. You may feel more prone to lying, and manipulation to get the results that you want to see out of the world.

Trine 120° ~ 3°
While there is a desire for self improvement, you may not fully recognize it yourself. It just happens. You find the ways in which you are meant to improve and you take them, etching yourself into a person that seems more fully realized of themself. You have a charisma to yourself that is hard to ignore, and you take full advantage of it. This can lead to positions of power and leadership that most don’t have the opportunity to receive, as people are drawn to enigmatic personality

Square 90° ~ 2°
To most you may come off as so intense that they can’t go near you. Yes mystery is intriguing- but at the same time no one wants to go swimming in a black hole. There’s a distinct need to control, and form the situation around you- but that is what keeps holding you back. If you learn how to step away from this dynamic and allow the control aspect of this planet fall away you will find yourself able to have deeper and more meaningful relationships.

Sextile 60° ~ 1°
You know how I said that with trine, people are naturally drawn to you because you have this raw aura of leadership. Well in this aspect that carries on- except one of the key features is that its not charisma drawing them to you- it’s not the mystery. It’s the willingness to change and be deeper that holds influence. People are attracted to the more watery aspect that this aspect draws, the ability to empathize and look deeper igniting change is one of your biggest assets.
Wrap Up: Relationships – Understanding Charts: Lesson Two (Sun)
So there you have it what all those different aspects look like through their relationship with the sun. It’s a long and arduous process reading through all of it, and charting it out is a whole other thing entirely. However, understanding these base relationships and where they appear in your chart is incredibly helpful when it comes to understanding yourself and where you are in your lifes journey. This is just the first part of lesson two as I am going to be going through all of the different planets one right after the other.
But do bare with me, this is a lot of writing and one only has so much mental capacity. The next one will be coming out a little bit later, rather than sooner as I focus on some of the more novice level articles that need to be released. So have a wonderful, day- night- afternoon, and as always.
Stay groovy, and I’ll catch you on the flip,
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