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Moon Signs for Beginners: Lesson Two

Welcome back to your next lesson! Today we are going to take a walk through the moon signs for beginners. Please take a look at the table below if there is something more specific you are looking for!

For a recap there are twelve signs in astrology:

  • ♈Aries 
  • ♉Taurus
  • ♊Gemini
  • ♋Cancer 
  • ♌Leo
  • ♍Virgo
  • ♎Libra
  • ♏Scorpio
  • ♐Sagittarius 
  • ♑Capricorn
  • ♒Aquarius 
  • ♓Pisces

Each sign has its own special spot for personality when looking through the lens of different planets. Today we are going to be looking at what those planets look like through the lens of the moon. Your moon sign is how you react emotionally to the world. When your ego (the sun) interacts with the world, it is then taken by the moon internally for how you are going to feel about it. To figure out your moon sign, you can look at which sign the moon was on the day you were born. The moon has a transit of 2.5 days through each sign, finally reaching the top (Aries) again on the 28th day. If you don’t know your moon sign there are two ways to go about it. You can either make a lunar calendar, or look up a calculator online. I hope to one day have this tool available, but unfortunately today is not that day.

Now that you know your moon sign (or not I don’t judge), we’ll take a walk through what is going on, on the inner level of self with the moon signs for beginners lesson.

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Table of Contents
  1. The Zodiac through the Moon
    1. ♈Aries- The Ram
    2. ♉Taurus- The Bull
    3. ♊Gemini- The Twins
    4. ♋Cancer- The Crab
    5. ♌Leo- The Lion
    6. ♍Virgo- The Maiden
    7. ♎Libra- The Scales
    8. ♏Scorpio- The Scorpion
    9. ♐Sagittarius- The Archer
    10. ♑Capricorn- The Goat
    11. ♒Aquarius- The Water Bearer
    12. ♓Pisces- The Fish
  2. Wrap Up Moon Signs for Beginners:

The Zodiac through the Moon

♈Aries- The Ram

With Aries being in the moon, the best way to describe it is the feeling of needing to get somewhere incredibly important really quickly. However, it never seems like anyone else in the world got that memo, so you are stuck in impossibly slow Sunday drivers, day in and day out. Nothing happens fast enough. Aries in the moon is like the sign of instant gratification, needing something and needing it now. No matter what that means for anybody else. Aries is still an incredibly passionate sign, with tempers flaring fast in this planet. But as tempers rise quickly, they so do fall. Emotions aren’t a mainstay in this sign, and will continue on continuing on as though you didn’t say something to set them off. 

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♉Taurus- The Bull

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In the sun, Taurus enjoys kicking back and feeling all the luxuries that the world has to offer them. In the moon they’re a bit different, Taurus’ ruling planet is Venus, or the planet of love, and Taurus’ tend to love, love. They keep an eye out for where they can find peace in their day to day and tend to avoid things that might get a bit… messy… It doesn’t mean that they aren’t up for a bit of drama, but, they rather prefer the stability that they can create in a day to day life. However, as much as it may be peaceful, it can also be incredibly stagnating and Taurus will need to watch themselves to avoid a rut. 

♊Gemini- The Twins

Oh the Twins. Flighty as a personality, and flighty with emotions. One moment they can be happy and laughing right along with you, and the next their stewing because your tone seemed off. Unlike Aries, or Taurus- Gemini does try to keep it to themselves most of the time, not wanting to make their issues anyone else’s problem, but if asked they will share. A Gemini moon could be dealing with some of the worst hardships, but make it seem as though there is nothing even special going on in their life at the time. A quality shared by the other air signs as well (Libra and Aquarius), all of them seeming more aloof then the other zodiacs, and as though there couldn’t be anything beneath the surface. 

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♋Cancer- The Crab

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Just like with Leo in the Sun, a Cancer in the moon is in its spotlight. Cancer is at home in this sign, their emotions coming and going like the waves that the moon so pushes. They hold on deeply to the things that they care about, it’s because of this that they can sometimes hold on to a past argument or diss for a little too long. Cancers can hold a grudge like no one else (save for Scorpio more on that later). They can bring up an argument again and again, and reiterate how much you hurt their feelings over and over. All that a Cancer in the moon truly seeks though is security, and comfort that comes with the shell. Reassurances that their feelings are not invalid and you’ll have a Cancer back up and feeling good in seconds. 

♌Leo- The Lion

Leo’s in the moon are a bit different from their sun counterpart in that while they enjoy attention, they aren’t necessarily wanting their emotions broadcast out to the world. Just those close to them. This can be a fairly dramatic placement with Leo sometimes having emotional outburst that seem to come from nowhere, and can be a bit bossy to boot. However, just like their sun counterpart they want to make people feel good, this can often be a class clown placement, wanting to make people laugh. Sometimes even taking on more of a parental role in their friend groups and just wanting to make sure everyone is doing ok. This sign like its fire brethren can be quite temperamental, but it is the easiest fire sign to reason with as they do have a good sense of fair headedness. 

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♍Virgo- The Maiden

Virgo, moon, virgo moon beginner, virgo moon, minimalism, galaxy, watercolor, moon signs for beginners, astrology

When it comes to the moon being in Virgo, this can be an incredibly unsettled position. The moon is a very mental position of the inner self, and Virgo is a sign that is ruled by the mental capacity. This position can be incredibly anxious and reserved, not really wanting to put themselves out there for the world to see. Instead choosing to sit back and watch the tide roll so to speak. Virgo in this position is also seen to try to control the little things at home, creating a safer environment for themselves to exist in. They will constantly be looking for little projects or things to do that will make their day-to-day life that much simpler, keeping a fairly tidy and organized space that they can lose themselves in. 

♎Libra- The Scales

Oh Libra, you hopeless romantic you. People with Libra moons, just like Taurus (they’re both ruled by Venus), love relationships- however, unlike Taurus, a Libra in this sign will feel empty without having a significant other and tend to latch themselves on to people quite quickly. Relationships move fast with people in this sign, often hearing wedding bells a few months into a new relationship. Because this sign is all about balance, they may end up letting their partner walk over them a fair few times. However, that’s not to say they don’t know when they need to “fix” something so to speak. Libra is a very aethstetic sign, and if they find something that’s out of place in their head they will throw everything at the wall until it’s “fixed” often leading to a lot of their relationships ending fairly early. 

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♏Scorpio- The Scorpion

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What a dramatic placement. Scorpios are already an intense sign and in this position they tend to get even deeper. Water signs and the moon are typically more in their element and a bit more intuitive. So with Scorpio being a sign that is all about rebirth and seeing through the curtains as it were, this sign in the moon can often see through other people’s B.S. and often lift the veil. This sign can also hold a grudge like no one’s business when it comes to the inner self. Whereas Aries’ temper is flashy and bright , Scorpio’s can sit and fester. They have an uncaring rage for those who upset them. 

♐Sagittarius- The Archer

Still as flighty as ever Sag., especially in this placement. Sagittarius is a fire sign that is all about self-expression and freedom. Finding their passions in the free world. In the moon this expresses as a desire to not be emotionally caged in, and wanting to escape. They’re all down for having a partner join them, don’t get me wrong, but the moment that things start to feel too cagey for their liking all they want to do is dip out faster. These signs do not enjoy confrontation, and will often avoid it to the best of their abilities. A Sagittarius in the moon is all about finding their own inner passion. They like to figure out how to share it with the world surrounding them. 

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♑Capricorn- The Goat

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Unlike Cancer, this placement was not meant for you Capricorn. Capricorn in the moon is to its detriment, not a happy placement. Capricorn is strong and stable, and emotions and the inner self are not. So oftentimes when you find a Capricorn moon you can see that they have troubles connecting with their inner emotions. Finding it difficult to truly expresses their emotions and their desires. They want their focus to be on the outer world, and the prestige that it can bring them,. This desire is more than what they want from themselves. In order to feel more secure, and to reach that ability to “let go” of their tight reigns around themselves a Capricorn moon often just needs to feel valued and secured in order to truly feel at home. 

♒Aquarius- The Water Bearer

You kooky little aliens you, this is an interesting placement in the moon. As stated the moon is all about inner self and true desires. Aquarius as a sign is detached, an outside observer looking in. This sign in this placement is very analytical. Often observing the why of why other people behave versus looking in at themselves. They can often alienate other people from seeming so detached from their emotions. However, this a humanitarian sign, they want to try to help others through what they consider to be messier emotions. On the other hand it is also a placement that does not take critique well. Critique can cause them to stand back if they feel as though they can’t be their true self. Like trying to catch the smell of winter in a glass jar, near impossible to capture.

aquarius, moon, aquarius moon beginner, aquarius moon, minimalism, galaxy, watercolor, astrology

♓Pisces- The Fish

Pisces, moon, pisces moon beginner, pisces moon, minimalism, galaxy, watercolor, moon signs for beginners, astrology

Let’s take a not set in reality sign, and then let’s go into their headspace, what do you find? Heavy intuition, and a dreamy personality. This placement can often look through doors and imagine scenarios to see the actual truth of a matter. They often calling thing before they happen. This is a very soft, and kind hearted placement. Don’t get me wrong they still know how to play a manipulation angle at times. However, one of the main cornerstones of Pisces is that they believe in the better half of people. Oftentimes these signs are wearing their hearts on their sleeve and can get hurt a lot. It’s childlike innocence, and a dreamy quality that you don’t see in many people.

Wrap Up Moon Signs for Beginners:

That is the best way that I can put the moon signs for beginners. It’s all about how you can see and reflect inside yourself and what your true desires are. I do hope you stay tuned for the next installment for beginners, on rising signs. This will be a good overall look at the big three as it’s called in astrology. The main three building blocks of any given person’s personality.

Stay groovy,

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