I am just a person-
A person who loves all things having to do with the stars.
When I was eleven I was introduced to astrology by a constellation guide book, and I got fully enthralled with all of the stories that were in it. That being said, the book mentioned the zodiac quite a few times, so I started to look in to it.

That led me to the next twelve years of my life. I became obsessive over space, and the stars. I learned everything that I possibly could on the matter and I don’t think even I’ve stopped learning.
Now one of the most important principals I’ve taken from life is- why learn anything if you’re not going to do something with that knowledge?
I love to talk to people about the things that I’ve learned, even if they’re not interested, so why not make a full blog for those who are interested?
That’s When My Cosmic Sage Was Born-
With the help of a tech wizard, I made this. Something that I wish that I had when I first started learning. Something that I could’ve perused through, had stuff explained for me instead of walking around the dark corners of the web, knocking into slightly useful information. So here we are. Here YOU are. It is my deepest and truest hope that you enjoy what you read here, and that something I write is somewhat useful.
Enjoy your time, and have a wonderful day!

My Cosmic Sage- Podcast
(Coming Soon)
Not a big reader? That’s totally fine! I will be launching a podcast series within the next few months giving the same content here in the spoken word format! So stay tuned.
My Cosmic Sage’s Big Three
Aquarius Sun

Born to be weird, and out of this world. Even if it’s not everyone’s cup of tea.
Aries Moon

Passionate in everything I touch. Even if I do take criticism way too personally at times.
Libra Rising

Easy going and approachable. Even if at times too gentle.