Image of underwater, elements in the signs: water - lesson four

Elements in the Signs: Water – Lesson Four

Welcome to the last installment of the element series; Elements in the Signs: Water – Lesson Four.

We are going to be exploring the element of water and what that means for the signs found within it, and how they look at the world around them.

Last time for a recap, there are four basic areas to look at when building out the signs, and how they impact day to day life-

  • Elements
  • Houses
  • Modalities
  • Energy
Elements, house wheel, modalities, energy
Suggested Readings

So let’s get into the nitty-gritty of it and explore this last element with Elements in the Signs: Water – Lesson Four.

Table of Contents
  1. Water
    1. Cancer
    2. Scorpio
    3. Pisces
  2. When Swimming Leads to Drowning
  3. What Can I Do?
  4. Wrap-Up: Elements in the Signs: Water – Lesson Four


The last triad that we are looking at today, and the final three of the twelve are:

cancer mushroom, blue outline, transparent, crab mushroom


Scorpio mushroom, deep purple outline, morel mushroom, transparent


Pisces mushroom, seafoam green outline, jellyfish mushroom, transparent


The element of water has to do with emotions, and intuition. They are highly creative, and care deeply for those surrounding them. Though between the three signs it manifests in completely different ways. These signs are all about focusing on the internal structures of the mind and how they are processed. None of these signs like to look within, and are constantly looking outwards, giving a deep sense of empathy in different ways. Cancer looks to the direct environment around them, Scorpio looks to the people in front of them, whereas Pisces looks out to the world. So let’s break it down sign by sign, in how they bring out their water qualities.


Illustrated glacier with cancer symbol

The delightful crab. Cancer is one of the signs that is very minimal with their duality. They are very much rooted within their family, and home units- the insides of their shells if you will. When it comes to other people though, they aren’t as forthcoming, more reluctant within their interactions. This sign is very intuitive, and empathetic- however, they are more keen to use their gain of your emotions to manipulate than their fellow water signs.

A Cancer will feel more at home when found within their home planet the moon. They like the moon push and pull with the weight of their emotions . The duplicity of the moon within their water helps the emotions and overwhelming empathy that they feel becomes balanced within this placement.

When you take a Cancer and put them at a placement that they’re at odds with- Saturn, you get a weird reaction. Saturn is a stifling planet, full of rules and rigidity. When Cancer finds itself in this sign, they find themselves- their emotions stifled. They crumble beneath the rules- not learning the growth that they need to undertake to overcome it.

In any placement a Cancer will need to find a way to balance their emotions in order to fully evolve and become themselves. The water in this sign is always reaching for empathy, and understanding- it’s up to the planet in how that will be expressed.

Cancer is like a glacier. Their emotions flow through the hard shells of the ice. Creating a safety net for them to flow through and express themselves. Eroding away at the ice to create something truly beautiful.


When looking at Scorpio most are entrenched in a world of darkness. It seems scary, and terrifying and impossible to understand. Scorpio as a sign is complex and deep. However, they aren’t something to fear. Scorpios intuition looks in to how you need to grow. How you can change, and grow- how you can transform.

Scorpio can be comfortable in two different signs. Its modern ruler, and its traditional. Traditionally, Scorpio was ruled by Mars. In this planet, a Scorpio is keen on holding grudges over those who wronged them. Keeping tabs on who hurt them- so they can exact their revenge precisely. Modernly, it’s ruled by Pluto. In Pluto, their modern ruler- they qualities of Scorpio are heightened. They unearth secrets, and have incredible intuition when it comes to meeting new people.

Scorpio falters when it meets Venus. It’s such a base level sign- and is too soft for the love that Venus offers. It’s intoxicating having a Scorpio in this sign- but their manipulative tendencies come out in full force, and it can feel as though the balance of power is always scaled off towards them.

Scorpio in any planet is going to be uncovering the hard home truths of the people surrounding them, and not allowing people to get close to them. Hiding themselves in their center, and engulfing the information that they’ve absorbed.

Illustrated whirlpool with Scorpio symbol

A Scorpio is a whirlpool. Dark, dangerous, and indulging in the water that surrounds them. Beautiful, dangerous, and you can’t help- but want to get closer to it.


Illustrated snow storm with pisces symbol

Constantly seen as one of the softest signs in the zodiac. Pisces isn’t grounded. They are off in their own world, intuiting from the world the direction that they need to go. Their empathy is unmatched even by Cancer. They have a heart for the world, not just those that are close to them. They have a desire to be more socially inclined than not. A deep need to be connected to the world they flow over.

Pisces like Scorpio has two planets that they can call their own. In their traditional ruler Jupiter a Pisces idea of growth becomes larger than themselves. Often engulfing the world and wanting to expand their ideas and find those who are like minded. In their modern ruler of neptune, their ideas and airheadedness becomes more apparent, losing themselves in what could be rather than finding their feet on the ground. Getting lost in the true desire of expanding their natural talents.

A Pisces will find themselves lost in Mercury. Holding a conversation was never meant for them. They can’t get the words out from their head into the material world. Oftentimes floundering, and becoming frustrated. This is where their manipulative tendencies comes to play the most. Working around their words in confusing ways, and getting upset at lack of understanding.

Wherever you find a Pisces you will find a personality that is willing to give everything up, to fully expand and broaden their horizons. To think outside of the bounds and bring a new philosophical understanding to the world.

Pisces is fresh fallen snow. Magical, and blinding. A million different pieces falling through the air. Soft and comforting. Undeniably incredibly easy to get lost in, and that snow can easily become a blizzard to be lost in.

When Swimming Leads to Drowning

Image of underwater, elements in the signs: water - lesson four

When you can’t keep your head above water- many different things can manifest. Feeling overwhelmed, lost, like everywhere you look there’s only open ocean. The cold of the water can lead to manipulation, jealousy, and obsession. Losing the ability of being able to reason- in favor of delusions.

What do you do, what can you do? These emotions can be incredibly overwhelming and stifling. It feels like movement has been restricted and there’s nothing else that you can do.

You have to be able to remind yourself, that you have arms and air, and that floating instead of moving is always an option.

A healthy reminder as well, that I don’t know you or your situations. So take everything I say, and apply it where you want to. If it’s safe and viable to do so.

Image of underwater, elements in the signs: water - lesson four

What Can I Do?

One of the things that you can do- is call up a fire sign. Water tends to fall in on itself, getting lost in their element. So search for the opposite, and pull yourself out of the whirlpool of your mind. Get distracted- in other words. Find something to do. A fire sign will be plenty of help with that. Taking you to find new horizons, new things to think about. Remember sometimes it just takes a simple rock thrown in a still lake to make ripples. Go out, take a walk, get lost for real. Do it with someone you trust, someone you can vent to. Somewhere where you can allow yourself to just be. Near flowing water is one of the best things to do as well. It creates a white noise and helps to let those thoughts slide.

Another idea is to find yourself, an air sign. They will be there to help talk through the emotions (whether or not they actually process those emotions with you- variable). Air is what’s needed when you’re drowning, a good ol’ boost of O2. An Air sign would help with the separation of self from emotion. Reminding you of who you are, and help to remind you how to breathe. Writing, communicating, finding even footing with people who have done wrong against you may be the steps you need to take to feel more like yourself. A healthy reminder of how to process your own emotions by yourself.

Wrap-Up: Elements in the Signs: Water – Lesson Four

Water signs are some of my favorite signs. I admire their ability to adapt to new emotions, and their ability to be able to empathize with people. While they can be manipulative, it usually stems from the idea of trying to keep themselves safe. So it may take some time- but. In the end they truly do care, and you have to remind them why they trust you in the first place. They are caring and deep thinkers. There for friends, family, and loved ones. The most emotive of the signs, and the ones who are always willing to hear you out.

That wraps it up for the series. Next we’ll be taking a closer look at the houses, what they mean, which zodiac rules them and why. Remember to just keep swimming. and without further ado-

Stay groovy, and I’ll catch you on the flip,

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