Elements, house wheel, modalities, energy

Elements in the Signs: Fire – Lesson One

Welcome to the lesson elements in the signs: Fire!

Zodiac signs are built off of four main principles:

Elements, house wheel, modalities, energy
  • Elements
  • Houses
  • Modalities
  • Energy

These different principals are what build the respective personalities of each of the zodiac signs, and it helps to build the personalities of the signs. You have the energy that dictates the first (masculine or feminine energy). This helps to bring us to the element for what you’ll be looking at, if you’re looking at masculine energy- you’ll have fire or air. If you’re looking towards feminine you’ll have earth and water. From there you have a smattering of modalities, cardinal, fixed, and mutable. This helps us to distinguish the houses the rule as well, and why they rule it. For now we are going to be starting with elements in the signs as it is the easiest to understand.

Table of Contents
  1. What are elements?
  2. Fire
    1. Aries
    2. Leo
    3. Sagittarius
  3. When a Fire Loses Control
    1. What Can I Try?
  4. Wrap Up: Elements in the Signs- Fire: Lesson One

What are elements?

There are four elements:

  • Fire
  • Earth
  • Air
  • Water
Element Icons, water color, fire symbol, earth symbol, water symbol, air symbol, transparent

These four elements each carry their own deliberate feel to them, different personality traits that can be found among the triad of zodiac signs that they belong to. Each of these different elements is deserving of having their own post. Doing it this way will allow for a deeper look at each of the signs in the triad, and why they act the way they do. So to begin we are going to look at the fire signs, and see all they have to offer us.


There are three elements in the signs that belong to fire.

Aries mushroom, red outline, ram mushroom, transparent


Leo mushroom, lions mane, orange outline, transparent


Sagittarius mushroom, mushroom holding bow, blue outline, transparent


These signs all have core personality traits that each of them reflect, and we’re going to take a look at them one step at a time. What is the fire element, why does it differ from the other three elements, and how that sign can release any negative energy from fire.

Fire signs bring an air of creativity, and optimism to what they do. They are energy and life itself.

Fire is the element of power. The people of the Fire Nation have desire and will and the energy and drive to achieve what they want.

-Uncle Iroh (Avatar the Last Airbender)

I think Uncle Iroh puts it best when it comes to describing fire as an element in the signs. Above all, they are wanting, and passionate in the things that they touch. I’ve never met a fire sign that didn’t have the drive to pursue their own passions whatever it may be. However, fire can also bring about a negative energy, as well. Consequently, they become quickly enraged, and upset. Sometimes having a flair for the dramatic. So it’s in good practice to ensure that when engaging with a fire sign, to know that it’s not just you when they get upset.

Let’s take a look into the individual signs to see how this energy manifests and why.


aries campfire, aries, campfire, flames

Aries (I feel like i’ve written about you a lot lately, that’s not your fault though). This sign always comes first, and it’s pretty easy to see why. Aries is enigmatic. They’re loud, boisterous and playful. For instance, they can come across as hyper, and playful, always dragging you on to the next thing. This isn’t even dependent on the placement either.

Aries can exist in any of the planets, and you’ll see them hopping from one thing to the next. In Mercury they bounce from one conversation topic to the next. In Mars its one passion after another. For Venus, they hop on from one partner to the next. Never really seeming to settle no matter where they are.

However, this carries on to their emotions like no other, especially in the sun and moon, and this is where we can see the negative aspects of this sign the most. Aries can be incredibly hot headed, and temperamental. Often flaring up and telling people around them what’s what.

The good news is that just like they can hop into being pissed off quickly- they also get out of it fast. Aries is a fast paced sign, with plenty of emotional flare ups that can be quite entertaining.

Aries perfectly envelopes what a fire sign is, running fast, taking chances, and making their mark on the world. Overall they’re optimistic, charismatic, and just all around looking to have a good time. No matter who they’re with. This sign gives the vibe of a midsummer campfire with friends. Where there’s good vibes, and maybe a little more than reckless behavior.


Leo is a sign that embodies the warmth from fire. Sometimes getting too close to them can make you feel like you’re going to get burned. Leo takes optimism, and radiates it- spreading it out to the world. Additionally, that heat is just a small portion of their personalities. They show their charisma to the world. Leo’s are the star of the show, the lead role of the play. You can find them on the stage basking in the heat of the lamps that is the world.

For Leo, they love to take the spotlight in the sun, their rays of desire touching the coldest parts of our solar system, and tying them all together in orbit. A never ending flame of passion to achieve their goals. Whereas in a planet they might not be so comfortable in like Uranus, they can still take on the lead, calling to leadership and beginning movements.

This sign knows no bounds when it comes to spreading their light. But it’s important for them to know that their heat can be stifling. It can chase others away if they focus too much on building their bonfire.

Fortunately, for Leo, a lot of people find themselves missing that warmth and do come back- it’s just about making sure to tone it down, and realize when other people need center stage.

Leo rays. leo, sun rays, sun, rays, ray

Leo is that hot summer day at the beach, the heat of the sand between your toes. Bringing people from all walks of life together for a good time. They are heat, and warmth- even in the depth of winter.


Sagittarius candle, sagittarius, candle, white, minimalism, flame

Sagittarius is the flickering of the flames in fire. There one minute, and gone the next. They are fleeting, and free. Ever changing and can never be found in one spot for too long. Sagittarius is a go with the flow sign, and the flow is usually wherever their passions lead them. Whether that’s cross country, or across countries. Their light touches all corners of the world with ease.

Sagittarius is besties with Jupiter. Jupiter is all about growth, and luck, and how we grow into our passions, and that is Sagittarius in a nutshell. Sagittarius’ reason for being so fleeting is because they want to grow and change. The more that they become new the more that they feel like themselves, and the brighter they burn. Whereas, in a planet like Mercury, their ideas may be big and bright. Sagittarius comes out as boisterous and loud spoken like flames licking the night sky. They can also find themselves leaving ideas in the past never to revisit them.

Sagittarius is a wildfire, consuming everything. They’re fueled by knowledge and growth. However, it’s important that even though gaining knowledge is a good thing- it means nothing if you can’t use it. Sagittarius needs to take a step back and use their creative flame to create, and not leave ideas in the past.

On a more positive note though, Sagittarius is an incredibly good friend to have around when you need a boost of inspiration. They’re wise sages with a lot to offer, and can be incredibly gifted when you need a direction on where to go next.

Having Sagittarius in your life can be such a blessing. They dance like the flames of a candle, and watching them work is inspiring. Their glow is illuminating, keeping people inspired, and moving forward.

When a Fire Loses Control

fire, watercolor, charcoal

When a fire sign begins to lose control of themselves it can be a deeply overwhelming. Not many people can appreciate a bonfire spilling out of its confines. No one wants to watch as the fire over takes their land. No one wants to get burned. It’s scary and it feels like there’s nothing you can do to stop it. Fire sign people can get this way as well. Taking over situations, people, places. All in pursuit of passions- sure, but what about their family, friends, or even their inner selves? I’m sure you’ve heard of burning a candle at both ends, and a fire sign that is in a state of disharmony can often feel that way.

Almost as if they are burning themselves out too quickly. I’m not going to sit here and tell you that I have all the answers, or a good resolution for you. I don’t know you personally, and you don’t know me- so take what I say and apply it to yourself as much as you want. But in short I’m not here to sell you on anything.

fire, watercolor, charcoal

What Can I Try?

One thing that you can do is when you feel that moment of burn out, of feeling like you’ve taken too much from people you care about. You can put out one of the ends. Take a step back, and take a deep breath. These projects will remain there, waiting for you. Take a vacation- or stay at home (looking at you Sagittarius). Reconnect with yourself on a more grounded level. Call up your favorite Earth sign. Have a nice long talk about achievable goals, what’s grounded in reality. Because I know you’re passionate- I know you want to do all the things you want to do (as I said maybe, I don’t legitimately know you), but you can’t do it all. There is only so much time in a day, and while it’s good to have lofty inspirations. It’s good to understand when you need a break.

If you find yourself burning bridges with your loved ones, step back for a second. Not only do you need to cool off, but so do they. When tensions have cleared, reach out again. Ask if you can go to something they enjoy, and then reconnect. Apologize (both sides if needed, make sure you watch your own back), and rebuild that bridge one plank at a time. Make sure they know you care, that you want them in your life (if you do, if they’re toxic that’s another story). It can be incredibly difficult and an arduous process, but if they’re worth it- then going down that path will mean everything.

Wrap Up: Elements in the Signs- Fire: Lesson One

It’s time to bid adieu. Fire signs are some of the most passionate, driven signs that exist in the zodiac. Their charisma and optimism bringing people in like moths to a flame. They are a profound heat, and excitement that carry through every aspect of life, and definitely a good person to have in your corner. Each sign has its strengths and it’s drawbacks, no sign is ever inherently all good or all bad, and it’s important to note when you aren’t being your best self. On the other hand, it’s also good practice to know when you’re being your best self and to celebrate that. On that note, that wraps it up for fire signs, stay tuned for the next lesson, Elements in the Signs: Earth- Lesson Two.

Stay groovy, and I’ll see you on the other side,

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