art depicting kintsugi

Elements in the Signs: Earth – Lesson Two

Welcome to lesson two- Elements in the Signs: Earth.

As mentioned in the first post, there are four building blocks to the zodiac signs

  • Elements
  • Houses
  • Modalities
  • Energy
Elements, house wheel, modalities, energy, elements in the signs - earth,

I recommend taking a look back at lesson one if you haven’t already. Fire appears first in the zodiac wheel. Earth, appears next. So that’s what we’ll be covering in this lesson. It is fairly important to take a look over all elements as most people have a mixture of both within their charts.

Table of Contents
  1. Earth
    1. Taurus
    2. Virgo
    3. Capricorn
  2. When the Earth Crumbles
    1. What Can I Do?
  3. Wrap Up: Elements in the Signs: Earth – Lesson Two


There are three elements relating to Earth:

Taurus mushroom, green outline, bull horn mushroom, transparent


Virgo Mushroom, mushroom dress, mauve outline, transparent


Capricorn mushroom, green outline, sea goat mushroom, puffball mushroom, white outline, transparent, cardinal sign


Earth is the element of stability, reliability, and persistence. Earth is an element that shows consistency over and over again. People with this element in their charts tend to show similarities to this. Having a deep sense of responsibility and practicality. These signs tend to be very grounded in reality, and how they can impact the physical world around them. These signs are some of the most stable in the zodiac with little to no variability in how they hold strong. We’ll classify those differences here.

So without further ado, let’s get into how these signs manifest the earth element, and how they explore this added element to their personalities.


Taurus, the bull, and just like the bull you are immovable. This sign really sticks to their guns and are incredibly stubborn. You’ll see this in the further development of this series when we go in to modalities. These signs hold on to their beliefs like no other. They are fiercely loyal, and often reflect the more sensual side of life.

A Taurus show their best qualities when found in Venus. In this planet they are caring, dependable lovers. They are caring and considerate for their partners needs and are there for them in throughout many different situations.

A placement where they may show some struggles are when Taurus comes in to Mars. Taurus festers in Mars as it’s an aggressive and passionate sign. When a Tauren placement gets to it in an argument they stand firm, and it’s very difficult to sway them. Oftentimes being so stubborn that they end up chasing people away because of a refusal to compromise.

Taurus is a stubborn sign, with a lot of love to give. They are deeply sensual and incredibly caring, no matter the placement.

taurus, elements in the signs: earth, boulder, art, taurus stone

A Taurus is a boulder steady and strong. Carved from many years of erosion and care, they can be what you need no matter what. They are there for you as a table to eat on, a place to sleep on, a chair to rest on. Yet, near impossible to move on your own.


Virgo, river rock, elements in the signs: earth, art, watercolor

When it comes to Virgo, the maiden, they are one of the most practical signs in the zodiac. Virgo is a very mental sign, and often organizes their thoughts and home to their own level of perfection. They have a very detailed way of viewing the world,. This can lead to them coming off as overly judgmental and critical.

Virgo works wonders in Mercury, they can easily analyze situations and make decisions easily. Being a reliable choice for whenever you’re faced with a choice. They are incredibly focused in this sign, and don’t let their minds wander easily.

However, when you bring Virgo to Neptune- things get a bit more challenging for this Earth sign. Neptune is about dreams, and losing a sense of reality. It’s a mental sign in the fuzzy way, so to speak. So having Virgo here, they can get nervous and overthink easily. However, they can still be incredibly enlightening in this sign as well. Often helping others promote their dreams to reality.

Virgo reflects the stability and reliability of Earth by communicating their passions and desires to those around them.

Virgo is the stones in a stream. Carrying millions of ideas in each pebble. They form the ground beneath your feet, and while it may hurt- sometimes it’s what you need to hear. They are many and strong, but easily overwhelming.


Capricorn is a sign all about business. They are very firm in the actions they need to take in order to finish their jobs. They are a steam train, knowing exactly the path they want to take in order to achieve their goals. It’s hard to find a Capricorn that doesn’t have a good grasp on where they want their life to go. They plan ahead for themselves, and others in their corner.

Capricorn showcases these elements very well in their home planet of Saturn. They takes Saturn’s rules and discipline and they work it to their factor, and reap the benefits in waves. Capricorn’s are incredibly powerful workers, and the rules and regulations that they face are what end up bringing them to the top.

The Goat showcases their more negative elements when Capricorn comes into the moon. They hold on to their emotions, and become fairly stoic with who sees them. This earth sign isn’t very forthcoming, which is what the moon needs in order to prosper. It can be a very difficult placement for this sign.

When you take a Capricorn and put them out into the world they will work until they drop. They are persistent in whatever they decide to pursue, and are great to have in your corner.

Capricorn, mountain, art, mountain range

Capricorn is a mountain range. Aspiring towards great heights, created through adversity. They are regal and proud, and can seem larger than life. The mountains are regal and strong, and absolutely vicious in terms of being able to climb- so remain cautious.

When the Earth Crumbles

When an earth sign starts feeling less like themselves, they lash out in silence. They stop talking with their loved ones. The people they care about. They can act more snide, more critical of the people around them, and they’re a lot harsher on themselves. They can become overly idealistic, they seem unstable, and become overly critical of the people around them.

How can you rebuild earth? Reconnect the broken pieces, and make it strong again? How does one penetrate something that seems almost impossible to get over?

Once again, and I will always reiterate this. I do not know you, your situations, or what’s going on in your life. Take everything I say with healthy caution and take what applies for you. I’m all for improving relationships, helping to improve yourself. However, if there’s any advice I give that will not work- walk on past. Take a deep breath, and let it go.

What Can I Do?

My recommendation for an Earth sign who needs to reconnect with themselves- is to give yourself a pat on the back. Oftentimes, a lot of this negative energy manifests in feeling underappreciated for this element. A feeling of the work you’re doing going to waste, because the people you care about aren’t paying attention to the lengths you just took. So take a moment to spoil yourself. Write a kind letter to yourself- if this can be done outside all the better (reconnecting to earth is important). Take that moment to yourself and then- talk with your loved ones. As much as you would rather prefer to shut out those emotions the only way to move forward is to speak with them.

To feel whole again you have to examine these pieces of yourself, and take them one thing at a time to reconnect them. I’m sure you’ve heard of kintsugi, the art of putting a broken bowl back together with gold highlighting the cracks. Take a step in the direction of doing that for yourself. Look at the parts of yourself that feel disjointed, and take special care and love to them, as they are apart of you and it can be beautiful.

Wrap Up: Elements in the Signs: Earth – Lesson Two

That’s all she wrote on the earth signs. They are the most stable people you can find, dependable, strong, loving. They are deeply caring and wanting to be there for you. These signs can be locked in their own beliefs, and critical- which turns a lot of people off of them. However, looking past that you can see it coming from a place of love. You just need to be open minded to it, and take it with a grain of salt if it seems too cruel. Maybe call them out on it if need be. Remember that all signs have their positives and negatives- there is no good or bad sign. So take it one day at a time, and breathe deep.

With that being said- that wraps it up for Elements in the Signs: Earth – Lesson Two. Stay tuned for the next lesson, Elements in the Signs: Air – Lesson Three.

Stay Groovy, and I’ll see you on the flip side.

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