Hello, hello, hello- and welcome to the Symbol Series: Aries edition.

Now I’m sure you’ve seen this symbol before, and this is the main glyph to denote our favorite ram. But there’s so many more. There’s crystals, music, food, and the like that help to denote Aries.
It’s not just important if you’re an Aries sign either, by using a lot of these different symbols throughout your life you can help to invoke the energy of Aries, bringing that upstart fire to your life to help get stuff done.
You can read more about their glyph:
For example take a listen through this playlist made in the key of Db to help invoke the fiery passion of Aries to get some of that get up and go. Or take a look through some of the songs that are in the key of Db and make your own with music you enjoy. This key helps to invoke Aries ruling planet Mars and bring forth qualities that Aries exudes: impulsiveness, passion, and quick to start.
It’s important to note that it’s the key of the song. Not the overall vibe. I Will Wait – by Mumford and Sons is not an Aries anthem by any means. However, the overall key of the song is what helps to bring forward that energy

For a good meal to invoke that Aries spirit, my recommendation is to have a good high in protein meal, that is rich in iron, and can be eaten at the beginning of the day to kick start your morning.
My personal recommendation is chorizo scrambled eggs with spinach.
Aries as a fire sign is spicy, and full of life. While it is also the kickstart to the zodiac. With its ruling planet in Mars, and dominant element being iron. This is a great option to start your day.

Aries color pallet is reserved for reds, and darker oranges. They are a fire sign, and bringing red in to your everyday pallet can help to invoke that same spirit of flame and determination.
It’s important to note that this extends past the sign itself and melds into Mars as well. The little red planet being where Aries pulls its energy from.

For crystals and minerals you are going to be looking at:
- Garnet
- Carnelian
- Bloodstone
- Ruby
- Citrine
Not only do these stones bring forward an energy to your life, they help to encourage balance through passions and help one to pursue them more actively. They also invoke different emotions of happiness, success, and ambition.

Scents that are associated with Aries include Cinnamon and Ginger. Bringing forth that spicy scent that allows you to feel like you can breathe again.
Ginger helps to empower and lift up the spirit, whereas cinnamon helps with cognitive function, and is a main staple of breakfast food (refer to what I said about Aries being a kickstarter).
Material Element

The material element for Aries is found in Iron. The red planet being the dominant ruler, being the mainstay for this. The rust colored planet is indeed covered in oxidized Iron ore. So bringing more Iron into your diet can help to invoke both the planet and sign.
Tarot Cards

In the major arcana. The Tarot Card that represents Aries is the Emperor.
It speaks to Aries determination and will to succeed. They’re an imposing figure who will direct how they want you to be, and they will stop at nothing to achieve their goals.
In The minor arcana, we have five different cards associated with Aries:
Starting with the court cards, they are associated with the King of Wands and the Page of wands:
both of these cards denote the fire behind Aries. The King card showing how Aries helps and supports the people around him to bring forth the change they wish to have, and the Page showing the desire to experience and innovate.
The number cards you have the 2, 4, and 6 of wands:
2 of Wands- To look forward to a new path, and forge ahead your future.
3 of Wands- Putting plans into motion
4 of Wands- Showing the best side of yourself and looking at the pillars of your life.
Flowers and Herbs

One of the main flowers associated with Aries is the Tiger Lily. You can see that in the Valentine’s post from this year. Some other flowers widely associated with Aries is the Indian paintbrush, and the Scarlet monkey flower.
For herbs the three most widely associated with our fire sign is going to be cayenne, giner, and rosemary.
Basic Astrological Symbols

The constellation of Aries has the same name. Being known as “The Ram”. It’s made of four stars, and is best seen in November in the northern Hemisphere.

The element that Aries belongs to is Fire.
You can read more about what this means for Aries:
If you want to read about the glyph itself:

The modality or energy for this sign is Cardinal. That means that they have the energy, and get up and go as they start the season. They are ambition, they are leaders, and they are energy incarnate.

Aries holds the key the first house. The first house denotes first impressions, appearances, and how you deal when it comes to new situations.

Aries heads off the Zodiac with the spring equinox in the northern hemisphere, and the autumnal equinox in the southern hemisphere. However- it is considered a spring sign.

Aries rules over the head. So in their younger years especially. You are bound to see an Aries getting quite a bit of concussions or black eyes. They might also get frequent headaches or suffer from migraines.
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