Welcome to one of the last installments Other Glyphs – Symbols.
These are other symbols that you will need to be aware of when looking through astrology, and I have quite a few of them spread throughout this site already. So I will walk you through one by one, and explain what they mean, and why they appear that way.
- The Elements
- Fire
- Water
- Air
- Earth
- The Modalities
- Cardinal
- Fixed
- Mutable
- Other Planets and Placements
- Asteroids, Comets, & Dwarf Planets
- Chiron
- Ceres
- Pallas (Athena)
- Vesta
- Juno
- Lilith
- Important Points
- North and South Node
- Midheaven, Imum Coeli, and Descendant
- Asteroids, Comets, & Dwarf Planets
- Wrap Up: Other Glyphs – Symbols
The Elements

The symbol of fire. Funnily enough this is also the symbol for legitimate fires too. The reason why the symbol for fire is an upwards pointing triangle, helps to show the elements desire for growth, to climb, and to be bold. It shows the fire signs spirit, and need to go big or go home.

An upside down triangle. Water has the quality to want to stay grounded. Rain falls from the sky, the ocean delves to the deepest depths of the world. Water follows that mentality. It’s true desire is to float below it all, and the upside down triangle helps to communicate that.

A triangle with a line through its peak. Like fire, there is a desire to want to grow, and ascend- but the line through it communicates that it is too much like water to do so. It keeps the air signs on the ground, and communicates their focus for communication, and desire for social contact.

An upside down triangle with a line through its peak. This shows Earth desire to be rooted, and connected to the ground- to people, however the line through it represent that it has too much of a fire aspect to fully commit. They want better things for themselves that stops their full descent.
The Modalities
In all my years of research. I have not found one single source that actually explains these glyphs. Not one. Not in any of the books i’ve read, not on any website- nothing. Nada.
So what you are about to read is my full personal interpretation based on what I do know.

As you can see it’s an open triangle facing up with a dot in where the center line would be. This is similar to the element of fire which works with this modality. Fire is the symbol of drive, and passion. Cardinal signs are the start of each season, and they drive the beginning of those seasons forward. They are the trendsetters, the starters, the ambition. I suppose the dot in the center represents the spirit within the sign. Showing that the spirit is moving up and out, showing the desire and passion that these signs tend to carry.

A full square with a line through the center. Fixed signs are some of the most stable and reliable of the zodiac. They don’t change their opinions easily. So to have the spirit fully contained as a line, shows their unwillingness for change. The shape is closed, showing their resistance to changing their minds once they’re set. Fixed signs are strong in their beliefs and motives, and I think the square here communicates that idea well.

Finally, we have our mutable signs. The ending of the seasons. These signs are open to change, and have more of a go with the flow mentality. So to have a half-sphere with the circle of spirit below it helps to communicate their willingness for change. However, one of the key components of these signs in particular is that they are more prone to nervous energy, and can even fear that change if in an unhealthy mindset. So to show the circle of spirit as restricted- not fully closed off- helps to communicate that idea that in the end, while they may need to be ready for change, they might not be fully accepting of it.
Other Planets and Placements
There are other planets and placements that I decided not to get fully into in some of my mainstream lesson, as they aren’t tracked widely, and they rarely change from person to person, however.
I know some people are curious about them, and dependent on different aspects it can help to shape a person’s personality, so I will outline those symbols here and write about them all another time, when main series start finishing up so to speak. For now I’m going to focus on the main ones, and further expand if someone were to request it.
Asteroids, Comets, & Dwarf Planets

With Chiron, you have a broken cross of matter, and an arrow of ambition of the circle of vitality. Chiron as a planetary object (comet), when placed with the right sun or moon combination (conjunct), can indicate someone who is a healer. With the arrow of ambition being pointed at the broken cross, it can show that their ambitions are above the materials of the world, and that they strive for helping others through their own need, and not because of what it could bring them financially. They want to help, and that’s that.

Ceres shows us a scythe, with a crescent and the cross of matter through it. This dwarf planet takes on the aspect of a feminine healer, versus Chiron. It’s associated with childbearing and fertility. So not only are you reaping your fruits, but you are bringing life into the material plane, and helping to fully realize it.
Pallas (Athena)

Pallas takes on the shape of the spear, which is in direct agreement with its namesake, Athena the Goddess of Wisdom and War. It can be described as a circle of vitality over the cross of matter (like Venus), however- this is done with the arrows that are present in Mars (signifying aggressive nature). Like both of those planetary aspects, someone with a prominent Pallas may be more argumentative, have social awareness, and be gifted in the arts. based on where strong aspects are to Pallas it might show where you spark the most enjoyment in learning and craft.

Vesta’s symbol depicts her alter. Vesta in mythos was the goddess of the hearth. She like Virgo is virginal and the sign itself looks into transcendence of the self past sex. When looking at the glyph itself one of the things that I see is the arrow of ambition that is noted in the sign Scorpio, along with the curves of the flame that are representative of not only the moon but in the glyph of Virgo. This can indicate desires of the mind above the desires of the flesh.

Juno is an asteroid that dictates marriage, and that’s in large part to her mythos. The symbol itself resembles a scepter, breaking it down it almost looks like the circle of vitality made out of arrows over the cross of matter. This can indicate a need for looking with and bringing that to the material plane.

There are different types of Lilith in astrology. Yet, they all carry the same symbol, and have similar messages. Lilith looks at the darker part of our desires, deep secrets that we don’t recognize ourselves. You can see the crescent and cross in the symbol speaking to the internal desires that we wish to make material.
Important Points
North and South Node

The north and south node are mirror opposites of each other. The North Node recognizes what a person is destined for, what they will eventually grow into. Whereas the Southern Node dictates what that person needs to let go of. Looking at their symbols, the north node is a crescent faced up, and connected by two circles. This can symbolizers how the person will eventually grow into themselves. Whereas the opposite is true of the Southern node, showing how we can be weighed down by the mental aspects of life, and the need to let go.
Midheaven, Imum Coeli, and Descendant

These three are the other constants in someone’s chart. The ascendant is how you are viewed from the get go- how you handle problems. The Midheaven (or Medium Coli) is the career path you may feel most comfortable taking on. The Imum Coeli relates to familial situations in growing up. Finally, the Descendant (versus the ascendant or rising), this is what you seek out in other people.
Wrap Up: Other Glyphs – Symbols
That’s a wrap on the symbols for now. There’s many different symbols associated with astrology, and they can be interpreted in many different ways. So when you look at these glyphs take it with a grain of salt, and take what resonates.
Stay groovy, and I’ll catch you on the flip,
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