Welcome to the next lesson in our beginner series, Mercury Signs for Beginners: Lesson Four.
Suggested Readings
The suggested readings are here to help further illustrate Mercury’s role in the birth chart.
- What is a Mercury Sign?
- The Signs
- Aries
- Taurus
- Gemini
- Cancer
- Leo
- Virgo
- Libra
- Scorpio
- Sagittarius
- Capricorn
- Aquarius
- Pisces
- Wrap-Up: Mercury Signs for Beginners: Lesson Four
What is a Mercury Sign?
When you look at your Mercury placement in your birth chart, you’ll find any one of three signs related to your sun sign. For example, if you have a Virgo Sun, your mercury is going to be either a Leo, Virgo, or Libra. This is important to note for the role that Mercury plays.
Mercury is all about communicating your inner thoughts, desires, passions, and emotions out to the world. It’s how you package yourself to everyone else and the main basis of communication. Your sun sign is processed by the moon, and then Mercury is how all that information is processed. This process also works in reverse, and helps process how you internalize the things happening around you.
So let’s break this down, sign by sign shall we?
The Signs

The sign of Aries in Mercury is certainly one that’s a bit more fun. When Mercury finds itself in the sign of Aries you will find someone who tends to flit between their conversation rather rapidly. However, unlike some other signs- this one will not beat around the bush. They need you to know exactly what they’re saying. However, because of their rapid train of thought- it’s up to you to make sure that you have completely and totally understand what they’ve said. If you don’t they might display more aggressive tendencies and can become easily frustrated. However, it is usually very stimulated conversation that is enjoyable to have. It’s a playful quality that a lot of people find themselves enjoying.
A Taurus Mercury is interesting in their pattern of communication. Oftentimes, what you will see with this placement is that they will choose not to speak until they know exactly what it is they want to say. They are careful in their conversations, and will take everything one step at a time. They take their time with the world around them, ensuring that they are fully enjoying the things that the world is trying to bring to their heads. One of the qualities that shows up often in this sign is that they have a really down to earth quality in their conversation styles. This can come off as quite sarcastic or dead-panned.


One of the signs that mercury rules is Gemini, so it feels right at home in this placement. Gemini’s are very quick witted, and not unlike Aries they are very fast with their conversations. However, a key difference is that Gemini will take the time to fully ensure that you are understanding the words coming out of their mouth. These are very high minded signs, not really landed in the material plane like their counterpart in Mercury, Virgo. They are just trying to divulge in as much information as possible, and it can come across as flaky. They know a lot, but not too much on any particular subject because of how much information they’re always digesting.
Cancer like in most of their placements is very withdrawn in this placement, unless it’s with close relatives, friends, or people they trust and care about. A Cancer will guard their conversations until they are fully sure they can trust you. They are incredibly emotional when it comes to their conversations. Not that they are emotional themselves, but rather that they tend to focus in when the conversations are emotion driven. They want to learn more about the inner emotions thoughts and feelings of people. They are deep thinkers and taek every interaction on with a careful and measured hand.


Back to everyone’s favorite dominate sign. Leo. Leo in the Mercury placement boards on taking over the conversations in their entirety. Each one becoming more of a stage act monologue than actually caring about what other people have to say. However, they do care about what you have to say. There’s a lot of nuance in this as one of the main focus’ of Leo is that they are the Sun- they are the center of the solar system and everything revolves around them. BUT, in turn that means they have to care about the things going on around them too. So when in comes to communicating they will take in thoughts and opinions of the people that surround them, or even just general information. This is to ensure that they look good, and their prescence isn’t too domineering.
Virgo finds its home planet here in Mercury- just like Gemini. However, counter to Gemini they are very grounded in their communication style. Taking in information and decoding it, before reaching out for more. They take this with an incredible amount of patience. When they speak and voice their opinions a lot of it is directed ina way to ensure that you are learning and comprehending what they are telling you. Wanting to make sure that you are getting the full breadth of the conversation before continuing on. Often they focus on the small things around them that they can control, and view easily. This is because unlike Gemini, dealing with large scale projects is what causes nervousness and irritability to spike.


A Libra in this placement is going to do what it always does, and try to find the clear balance in their communication. They are prone to not voice their opinions very often and tend to keep to themselves in order to maintain the harmony. However, as an Air sign they love to play off of ideas and the art of conversation. They are very diplomatic and while not liking to step on people’s toes, they are very keen on starting “arguments” for the sake of them. Tell a Libra they are going to go do something, and they will choose the opposite, and then want to have a friendly debate about it. It’s a great mental exercises for them, especially if in the end no one gets hurt.
They don’t.
Just kidding. Though a Scorpio Mercury is more prone to keep to themselves. They aren’t ones for voicing their opinions, thoughts, emotions or- really just anything. They are secret keepers, and they know it. More or less they just don’t want to give you the information so that they can keep one step ahead of you. However, just because a Scorpio mercury isn’t willing to talk about themselves- doesn’t mean that they aren’t in the interest of getting in to the heart of you. They are very intrigued as to what makes a person tick, and are very observant taking in the world around them and then throwing a lock on it down into the cellar. They want their conversations to be transformative, and speak very directly when engaged with someone.


Sagittarius, our last fire sign. With a Sagittarius, they are all about exploring the world and what it has to give to them, and that’s not different when they are in a Mercury placement. When you look at a Sagittarius Mercury you are going to find someone who’s a bit more content to sit back and listen to what you have to say. They are in the process of gaining knowledge from others, and using that to in turn help themselves grow. When they speak- it’s to educate, and it’s usually done in a fun, easy breezy style that makes you want to keep talking to them. Another one of their trademarks more or less, is that they don’t like to engage in small talk- no, no, no. They want to get into the thick of it. They enjoy the conversations that revolve around thick mental topics- like philosophy.
If you want a good lawyer, call up a Capricorn Mercury. Capricorn in Mercury is very methodical in the way they go about their conversations, and how they process. Breaking things up in to bite-sized manageable chunks before continuing on with a train of thought. They can come across as very practical in their manner of speech, and it always seems like they have blinders on to tangents and frivolity. They don’t want to waste your time, and they don’t want to waste their own. Capricorn is very straightforward and so is their manner of speech, otherwise known as not playing games. Their goal is within getting everything laid out ahead of them and taken care of as efficiently as possible.


This sign while not being found in Mercury, feels very cozy here. Aquarius as an air sign lives in the mind half the time, and Mercury being a sign that takes place half the time in the mind- it’s a good combo. If it weren’t for the fact that Aquarius in general can be kind of frustrating in the way they need to “win” a conversation. They have a need to shock people, or “spice it up” to keep things mentally intriguing for them. They are effective communicators- sure- but at what cost? They like Gemini, and Libra love to play these games as a show of their mental prowess. However, they are very fun to talk to. If you catch on to their games, and can play back it’s a fun conversation that is incredibly stimulating and enjoyable to have.
Pisces Mercury’s aren’t the best at conversations, but they are certainly eye opening when you have them. Pisces is a sign about the expansion of the mind and artistic pursuits. Having a conversation with PIsces is like you are taking a trip to a different mental world entirely. They are more than happy to have you come in and chat with them about hopes, desires, and dreams. But, they can be very sensitive when it comes to these conversations. Especially, if the person they’re engaging with is critical of their ideas. Pisces will enjoy a conversation that isn’t full of hard home truths more similar to Sagittarius, enjoying philosophical convos more (because Pisces was originally ruled by Jupiter). The little fish just tends to be a bit less flashy than Sagittarius, and is more akin to a softer conversation.

Wrap-Up: Mercury Signs for Beginners: Lesson Four
One of the important things to note as we come to a close is that how your mercury sign communicates is very important to your sun sign. One of these days I will have some posts doled out on how those are presented, however today is not that day. Conversation styles greatly differ in so many different aspects. Not only do you have your sun and moon guiding this particular sign, but you are also taking a look at how the material world may have affected them as well.
But for now, I do hope you enjoyed your read, and take what resonates. Keep an eye out for the next post where we go into the Venus Signs for Beginners.
Stay groovy, and I’ll catch you on the flip,
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